Monday, October 6, 2008


Perhaps you’ve had the opportunity to read Jay Wheeler’s “My Word” column in the 10/3/08 Orlando Sentinel.

Without recapping the entire article, Mr. Wheeler takes the Sentinel editorial board to task for objecting to the Destiny development, which is currently all the rage among the local politicians who wish to reset local economic development efforts by focusing on a new development 30 minutes away from Kissimmee.

The crux of the article is that Destiny is good for two reasons:
  1. The developers have access to a pile of money and aren’t currently seeking local government funding.
  2. All of the building will create jobs. We quote “Destiny will help working families and businesses put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads.”

So we read this as the new party line among our Osceola County elected officials. If you have your own project funding, and construction is involved, the store is open. As long as you’re willing to fund the infrastructure build-out, zoning and urban growth boundaries can be bypassed.

Developers, let’s get creative. Are you in the nuclear power or military weapons manufacturing business? Osceola County may be your place...and those industries can actually prove that they’re expanding and have the high-tech, high-dollar jobs we desperately need. How about a casino or the region’s largest adult entertainment complex? Hey, those services are in demand, and those industries have tons of cash as well.

Osceola County...the permitting office is open.


Anonymous said...

It is becoming very apparent that Socialism is creeping/slithering in to our Nation and, obviously, Osceola County. Why build homes if no one can afford them? I know, let's offer them for no down payment and an adjustable rate mortgage. That way, after they all default, we can resell them and make money again or ask the feds for a bailout.

Anonymous said...

Jay is just laying the ground work for the apartments the education foundation and Orange county developer, Jonathan Wolf want to build on school district owned land.

That's why he is talking up job creation. Because Wolf and company will ask the county commissioners for lots of money real soon. Call your commissioner and ask how many times he has been contacted and met with Mr. Wolf.

It wont hurt him to build far from where he lives. There is some land right next to his house that could be developed into all kinds of things. Let's build a cement plant or a casino there.

Tom Long

Anonymous said...

Does Jay have any stock, promises or personal funds tied to this? Or is it just Jay, getting his name in the paper again.

Anonymous said...

Jay is just tallying up chits for his run for congress in a few years.

Anonymous said...

Jay Wheeler for Congress? I never should read these blogs when I am drinking my coffee. I had to wipe down my computer screen I was laughing so hard.