Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Feeding the Troll

In the latest comedic rambling e-fluff sent from dance enthusiast and School Board Member Jay Wheeler, we found some interesting advice. As the WayneWho staff dug through the narcissistic musings and name dropping paragraphs that only help to solidify the premise that our county will continue to slip and stumble over the next several years as the new gang of insiders take office, we caught a paragraph that makes reference to one of the biggest problems facing local elected officials today, anonymous blogs.

Mr. Wheeler's weekly journal notes, "Here is some advice for newly elected officials. In this day of instant messaging, text messages, email, blogs, etc. Do not respond to or take anything seriously that is anonymous. Typically anonymous sources are malcontents, and/or wimps without the guts to stand up and be counted for what they think or say. To pay attention to them is like feeding a troll, both are fruitless. On the other hand anything you may get that clearly identifies the source/person deserves your attention. Consider this about anonymous sources, blogs, etc. People who have nothing to hide, don't hide anything. They also set a bad example, After all we all want our children to learn to stand up for what they think is right."

We whole-heartedly agree that local blogs and un-news sources such as WayneWho should be ignored by local elected officials and the staff that have had their lips surgically implanted to their posteriors. No good ideas ever came from a group of malcontents who decided that seeking the spotlight is not the answer to the problems our county faces. Arguing over who is going to be Mayor-Pro Tem or Vice Mayor, so we can drop that little tid-bit when dinning with people we want to impress, will not fix the state of our community. Million dollar giveaways to charities, that we are told are important, even though the public refuses to keep them afloat through donations so our legacies can be applauded just seems to miss the point of what government was intended to do. We would agree that malcontents have no place in these types of discussion. It is always amazing to us that those in government quickly forget the purpose of government.

We find Mr. Wheelers comments on ignoring malcontents amusing because without anonymous malcontents, the path this country was set on over 234 years ago on December 16, 1773 would not exist and elected positions like School Board Member probably would not either. As some might remember from their history books, the Boston Tea Party is seen as an act by a group of malcontents who were upset at the British Government for its taxation policies and the unfair favoritism it showed the East India Trading Company, that helped lead to the American Revolution and to Independence for our country. By many measures this act by a group of anonymous malcontents, commonly called American Colonists who feared the fierce reprisals of not only the East India Trading Company, but the British Government as well, is one of the most iconic moments in our nation's history. While there were those in those days who let their names be known like John Hancock and John Adams, there were many others who resisted unfair British rule who remained anonymous. A group known as the 'The Sons of Liberty' was a secret organization of American Patriots which originated in the Thirteen Colonies. While many of the insiders who received good treatment from British authorities, like the elected officials and the development community of today, referred to the group as 'seditious rebels' and referred to them as 'Sons of Violence,' history shows us the truth of who the patriots really were.

While the WayneWho staff in no way believes that our un-news articles in anyway rises to the level of the efforts or patriotism of 'The Sons of Liberty,' we do understand the importance of the discussion of ideas instead of the ramrodding of policies for special interests only. While elected officials are supposed to be the voice of the people, most of the time they are not. Campaign contributions talk, and the needs of the people take a back row seat to government subsidized housing projects, do-over cities, and pet-project charities. Only a politician could be proud of the carnage in our local housing market that local government helped to create which has hurt so many.

To end this article we will again help to alert local elected officials who don't read "those damn blogs anyway," that they should continue to ignore the malcontents and/or whimps and should never communicate with them. As for the rest of your comments Mr. Wheeler, we will let the public decided as to what you meant by "Feeding the Troll."


GRAFFIX said...

A couple of things. Is a malcontent classified as a Rogue Commissioner? When you speak of "sons of Liberty" you have erred. ALL were known by the British Govt and attacked as Indians, in the dark, but without masks. They had the courage to let their friends, fellow farmers and mercants know who they were. I seldom agree with the arrogant, self serving Wheeler, but he is correct that an anonymous post can not be held accountable for its lies, innuendoes or falacies, just as your post can assume no blame or repurcussions. That said, some of us have the narrow walk along lines of politics that make it difficult to make a true position be known. We carefully show a manner of discontent, but are easily agreeing to different thoughts when criticised. Who has the most courage?

Anonymous said...

I think you know what he means by "feeding the troll."

Anonymous said...

I am going to go feed my troll.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to have a discussion about ideas that could help our community with people who do not have the most basic understanding of government.

And I am not talking about citizens.

How can we expect politicans to do what is best when they believe that what is best is what brings in the most money for their own campaigns. This leads to one sided discussion that leave the rest of us out in the cold.

Anonymous said...

Seems Jay is more than upset he is not chairman, or even vice chair. He just doesn't realize that he is more hated with the new school board than the old. If that was possible.

Maybe Jay should read today"s (Nov. 21) Orlando Sentinal. On page A17 A TAX HIKE FOR SCHOOLS? 64.8% are fed up with high taxes for a 66% graduation rate.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said

"He (Jay Wheeler) just doesn't realize that he is more hated with the new school board than the old. If that was possible."

Careful, Anonymous, you are branding yourself as a malcontent. Jay might ignore you.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we could have an amature-tem mayor. Wait... We already do. :)

Anonymous said...

This is about the only time I've ever agreed with "graffix," but thank you for pointing out the obvious. While anonymous movements might have create a lot of publicity and noise, very little would have been accomplished in the Revolution if no one ever stuck their names to their statements against those in power.

Besides, anonymous malcontents are welcome at all public meetings, to voice their opinions in a public forum where they can be taken seriously. Just wear an Indian mask.