Friday, May 4, 2007

Some people just don't get it...

Sometimes it is fun to poke a little fun at the goings-on in our community, and use a little satire to "lighten up" a story. So we have to laugh when we occasionally get in-depth factual analyses correcting what we thought was a funny bit.

We can virtually guarantee that after we recently opened our 2007 "The Onion" daily desk calendar and found a headline saying "Elf Finger Found In Box Of Keebler Cookies" that no one wrote a rebuttal article to The Onion (or Keebler for that matter), saying that Keebler Elves don't really exist and/or make cookies.

So it's Friday...thanks for reading, and occasionally laughing.


Anonymous said...

I am not sure I get this. Are you saying that the information here is not real? I don't understand that when the facts you are pointing out and the news you are covering seems to be more in depth than our local news sources. The information contained in your stories has been factual and your articles have not posted incorrect information. The humor that you add to some of your posts is just good entertainment. Keep up the good work.

One Question... Are you Wayne and if you are not, what does Wayne stand for, or mean?

Anonymous said...

Whining And Yelling Needy Extremist