Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tuesday Night Game Show

It's another Tuesday night and Access Osceola will run another episode of our favorite Tuesday night game show, “Who’s the Mayor Anyway?”. This is the game where the other commissions try to receive points by doing the Mayor’s job for him. If they are successful without the Mayor actually stopping them, they receive double the points. They can receive triple the points if he throws in a dirty look their way. It has already been an eventful season with Commissioner Van Meter seemingly racking up the most points and Commissioner Irizarry coming in at a close second.

However the Mayor can take their points away if he yells at a tax payer, so commissioners… look out!

Since the points don’t really matter (kinda-sorda like any citizen input), at the end of the game they are offered as a consolation prize to the taxpayer who received the verbal abuse. However, just like the United Cities Currency, don’t try to pay your light bill with it.


Anonymous said...

They all want to be Mayor! They bicker over it every week. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

What is your deal with Access Osceola? Why are you after them so much? I never watched the channel before you start posting about it, but I don't think it is that bad.

Anonymous said...

How about we do a shot when the Mayor says "Kinda-Sorta"? Might end up getting hammered, but that is normally the point of a good drinking game.

Anonymous said...


You were right about the state investment fund mess. The just handed control over to a private firm and the director of the fund resigned. Amazing!

Anonymous said...

The only Commissioners that are actually doing anything are Gemskie and Irizarry. The other three are just a waste of oxygen. Especially Van Meter. She needs to go away from the political arena. My door knob gives me more of a response than she does SITTING there.

Anonymous said...

Access Osceola is the propaganda arm of Kissimmee government. Kind of like the Daily Pravda or state run television. It is a drain on the taxpayers. Kind of like the fountain?

Anonymous said...

Last night they describe a Safety Program for the employees where they gain points by being safe... I thought that fit right in... Do the points really matter?