Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Here Come The Hippies

This Wednesday the highly anticipated and controversial plans for the eco-sustainable city of Destiny will be unveiled at a luncheon at the Gaylord Palms. While the sales pitch on the Destiny web site does not promise "free-love", it does rekindle many socialist thoughts and ideas born on the hippie communes of the 60's. "One Planet, One Destiny", "More than a promise, It's a commitment to change the world", and "Living in Destiny can even cure your Lumbago" are just some of the promises that the developers of the project hope will not only get the project past the current residents of Osceola County, but start the "Green-Guilt" trek of hundreds of thousands of people they hope to bring into an area that is already suffering from the forgotten sales-pitches of the past. We hope the Osceola County Commissioners and the residents of our community will not blindly fall for the promises of a developers magic elixir.

The first thing to know about the Destiny Hippie Attraction is that much of the science they are relying on to justify an "eco-sustainable" commune is not proven. The science and studies behind such concepts as ethanol production have already been deemed as short term. Ethanol is only bridge fuel additive to help transition American away from fossil fuels. This means that the long term business model of ethanol production is not "sustainable". This past year we have also seen the toll that food and non-food crops used as fuel can have on the world's economy, so there are many leading scientists that are already calling for an end to the production of food and non-food crops destined for gas tanks. This leads the WayneWho staff to wonder if even the first promise of an energy producing community will ever even be a reality at the Destiny Commune? Part of their website also talks about the community being energy independent. Does that mean that KUA, Progress Energy, and/or Florida Light and Power will not have them on their grid to supply electric to the commune? We know that many of the old 60's communes did not use electricity, but many of the residents on them did not even bath. Are these the types of neighbors we can expect?

The big problem we see with this project is that they are holding the Osceola County residents hostage with the promise of jobs that may or may not ever come. Our residents are being forced to swallow 250,000 more residents in hopes that one of us may have a shot at getting an imaginary job for imaginary companies that do not exist. The real trick is that the residents of Osceola County will never really have a shot at any of the jobs on the Destiny Commune if the true visions of the experiment are realized. To be "eco-sustainable", the socialist dream of every person has their place must be attained. Jobs that are created in Destiny, by the projects own definition, will be for those who live there. Hence the self-contained sustainable vision.

While the WayneWho staff has enjoyed discussing many of the good times we had in the 60's, we realize that the vision of those days are not ones that need to be revisited with taxpayers money. Just like the song says, "the sign said long-haired freaky people need not apply."


Anonymous said...

Why do they want to keep building all these homes? This county is turning into a real mess.

Anonymous said...

They can't help themselves. They're addicted to homebuilding like the hippies were addicted to drugs. Build more and build often!

Anonymous said...

I have just given up on the idea that Osceola County officials will do the right thing. Time and time again they approve developments that leave the rest of us screwed.

Anonymous said...

You think they're bad now, look at the next batch! Wendall McKinnon and Fred Hawkins. Dumb amd Dumber.
God help us all!

Anonymous said...

The Destiny "Meeting" was worse than I thought it would be. I had never really though much about the project until I started reading some of the articles that you have written on the issues, but after the meeting I must agree with you. This project should not be built. For lack of a better phrase, it is just lipstick on a pig!

Anonymous said...

I was at the Destiny meeting and I came away with a better understanding of the project. It will benefit Osceola County. The project should be built.

Anonymous said...

I wish Jonathan Harrell would make up his mind. First he said he was against Destiny, now he said he likes there technology. Boy Jonathan Harell MAKE UP YOUR MIND. Covering both sides of the fence doesn't work. Jonathan your starting to sound like Al Gore.

Anonymous said...

Definitely LIPSTICK ON A PIG!!!
It WILL NOT benefit Osceola County.
They said nothing at that meeting about providing 150,000 jobs for the residents they hope to attract. They are using the few jobs rhetoric to sell more houses. Just like Poinciana, Celebration and Reunion at our expense. They are more lies by the lying liars that tell them.

Anonymous said...

As a proud Republican I am sad to say that Mr. Harrell is right on this issue. Fred is just ringing the chime to call the hogs to the trough by making promises that can not be kept because of state and national issues. I have read Freds material, his website, and all his articles in the newspaper an he seems disconnected with the what the real Osceola County is going through. While I think Fred is a nice guy, he has not shown he understands the problems this county faces and he is more apt to continue the trend of bad decisions to make his "friends" happy. This is the first year in many that I will be voting for a Democrat in a local election.

Anonymous said...

I just wish Jonathan Harrell could make up his mind and stop riding the fence. Fred Hawkins JR. at least stands by his decision and will not switch. We All need to vote for Fred Hawkins JR.