Thursday, September 11, 2008


Commissioner Jerry Gemskie has wasted no time, now that he has won his second (and final, due to term limits) term as a city commissioner. His move to double the city manager’s severance pay shows that he intends to spend the term making sure it is as difficult as possible for any future commission to take any actions that run counter to Commissioner Gemskie’s All American vision of Kissimmee.

It was not for any market pressure or competitive reason that Commissioner Gemskie proposed the contract change. As he stated at the meeting, and was quoted in the Osceola News-Gazette, he did it to prevent a “rogue” future commission majority from taking any action against City Manager Mark Durbin by making it more expensive to do so. We surmise that in Jerry’s world, “rogue” refers to anyone who does not subscribe to his policies or beliefs.

Now, the “Fire Mark Durbin” message was such a loser in the 2006 election that it hardly came up in the 2008 election. But apparently Jerry’s keen sense of what is going on in the community has told him that just around the corner are “rogues” or perhaps “commission ninjas” waiting to pounce and throw Mark Durbin from the 5th floor observation deck.

We also note that the commission can only do simple math, doling out severance packages in 90-day increments. Perhaps they need to get back out to the real world, where corporations tend to give out severance packages based on the amount of time the individual was employed by the corporation. Even a package that contained 2 weeks of base, plus a week of severance for each year of service, would have totaled 22 weeks this year for Mr. Durbin, 4 weeks (1 month) less than the half-year package they just approved. But hey, it’s only funny money that they never intend for any “rogues” to spend, right Commissioners?


Anonymous said...

But can't this commission or the next one, vote to re-write the contract and make it more equitable to industry standards? Or maybe they will follow the County commissioners and when it comes to "inner circle" rases, the sky is the limit!.

Anonymous said...

Rogue's? Didn't Gemskie really say that? Can who's wayne add ROGUE to their word of the day list

Definition of a rogue:
A scoundrel, rascal or unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person; A mischievous scamp; A vagrant;

Actually the definition of a rogue applies to Gemskie!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow...over and over it is always, 'We don't have money', the State and their property tax cuts...

City employees get a $650 bonus and their holiday bonus taken away. No cost of living increase.

It makes no sense, either the city needs to save money or not. There is no explanation for giving the CM that severance package. If he is making $150,000 a year it is now a severance package worth $75,000. Wow how great it must be to be the CM. How gracious of him not to take the $650.(Hhhmm lets see $30-40,000 versus $650).

Never once did Dumskie make that a part of his campaign platform. But hey since he was elected by a whopping 1000+ citizens and he will be term limited out, why not give the man anything and everything he wants.

If the CM had an ounce of integrity he would have declined the benefit, knowing how many positions he cut and those that were laid off with ninety days of severance pay (making a heck of a lot less than he does). But hey, so much for integrity with this CM or its Commission.

Shame on all of the Commissioners for voting on this. Shame on our Mayor who has done nothing for over a year but complain about the State tax cuts. He even once made the claim that he would defy anyone to come and show him how the budget was excessive.

And now with a simple vote $30,000-$40,000 was miraculously found to be budgeted for the Greatest, Wonderfulest, Savior of Kissimmee.

Anonymous said...

"Dumskie" that was great. What needs to be done to do a vote recall? Is it a petition only? These commissioners are a joke.

Anonymous said...

Rereading the news account of the meeting, it sounded like maybe Gemskie was just confused about the whole thing and proposed an "additional" 90 days because he didn't want to be caught not knowing that Durbin already had a 90 day severance. As in..."I propose that the city manager get a 90 day severance."..."I already have a 90 day severance, Mr. Commissioner."..."Uh, yeah, what I meant was an ADDITIONAL 90 days of severance. I'm a knowledgeable elected official and I know what I mean."

GRAFFIX said...

First of all, it was not on the agenda. In times past, if it's not on the agenda, they can't vote but they can agree to agendize it. So, in other words, they voted on it, spendong taxpayer money, off the agenda and with no citizen input. Shame on them all and shame on the voters that let this happen.