Tuesday, June 30, 2009


The WayneWho staff believes that the Osceola News-Gazette, in its editorial titled "Developer wants to scold us?", lost its composure and strayed from the path of journalistic integrity. Leveling attacks at a few of the individuals responsible for the mess known as Signature Crossing after it had been safely voted down lacks professionalism and we know that you can do better.

First we would like to state that we understand the frustration and sense of disgust towards the process that came through in the Gazette's editorial. Listening to developers and out of town special interests scold, mock, and talk to our community like we are a collective bunch of morons gets old quick. Welcome to how every regular citizen in this community feels and has felt for a long time.

We understand why the Gazette would pick up the sharp-tongued opinionated attack rhetoric that has come to symbolize our brand of un-news, but we feel there is a better path that could have been taken. Instead of trying to be 'hip' and tearing into the vile nature of the cast of 'Affordable Housing' characters, a better editorial could have been done on the absence of common sense from those elected officials that stood behind this project. If it were not for last minute changes that the School Board Members knew were going to come back to haunt them, this vote would have gone the other way. Several on the board still believe that this was a good plan and that the public was wrong for questioning them and trying to stop the project. Many in the public were castigated for their opposing views on government subsidized housing in the middle of a real-estate meltdown, by not only the developers, but by our own elected and community leaders as well. This is the typical treatment the public receives when it dares to step in front of the podium to voice its concern. Frustrating indeed.

While the WayneWho staff does feel that the reverse scolding by the News Gazette was warranted, we hope that they do not feel that their part has come to a close. Investigations into campaign contributions and board influence need to be done. Discussions on campaign finance and influence peddling need to be had. Articles on how our community can protect itself from the self interest of monied developers need to be written. If nothing else, the Osceola News Gazette needs to become a better part of helping to vet local candidates by sharpening their own skills at understanding municipal government policy. Sometimes more can be done by asking good questions instead of losing your composure in a yelling match. Get back to asking good questions.


Anonymous said...

I just felt like the ong wrote this editorial too late. These same developers and our own education foundation acted like this when they were still working together. The treatment of Mr. Long at meetings was not called for and sad and the ong said nothing.

Anonymous said...

There will never be campaign finance reform. Now one is brave enough to bring it up. Transparency has actually gotten worse with our local governments, but because of the 'blogs' there seem to be more leaks than ever. There are some that think that some of the elected officals are part of the blogs. Who knows?

GRAFFIX said...

As I stated for years, the so called "debates" are just ask the same questions to each candidate and the favored candidate gets the questions in advance, like Gemskie did when he ran against me. I asked for real debates with the news asking each candidate random questions and with each opponent the chance to rebut the answers. Did that happen? No. Will it? Only when my readers and yours get pissed off enough to demand change. Ask hard questions. Push for answers and not political "feel good" answers. You elected what stands before you. You can choose to elect a rep that listens to the people and not the realtors, developers and lobbysits that surround city and county government. Good luck to you.

Anonymous said...

So the blogs are trying to tell the newspaper to be more professional? It's about time.

Anonymous said...

Another reason to question an anonymous comment is because it COULD be an elected official or good 'ol boys putting it out there. Hey Jay! What's your blog name?

Anonymous said...

I like your article because it points out the whole problem with this community. No planning. Everything is like fighting fires. Sure they say there is a Comp Plan, but then they go and change it.

Anonymous said...

The School Board is run like a secret society. I spoke under old business and my comments were deleted from the video record. Every time I spoke, my words were sanitized in the written record.

I requested to be put on the agenda several times and was refused by John McKay.

The public MUST sign in to speak BEFORE the meeting or they cannot speak. There is only one opportunity to speak and there is never any give and take.

They have not followed the lead of the County and St. Cloud and archieved the on line videos. Workshops are not taped or shown to the taxpayers.

If the School Board wants the public to get involved with the process, then the board should allow public access to their meeting.

Tom Long

GRAFFIX said...

Mr. Long: It's very similar with Kissimmee Commission. You must sign in prior to the meeting to speak. Workshops are not recorded on video. (At least they didn't used to be). Mayor Swan will, and has, shut off speakers if they disagree with his, or Durbin's opinions. But every time I was asked to be on the age3nda I was allowed, as long as I followed protocal. Maybe McKay and Swan are related. Good luck in your future endevors.
Wayne Evans