Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Then End Again?

We wanted to re-publish an e-mail that we received from Tom Long who has been taking the lead on the Preserve/Signature Crossing housing project. The WayneWho staff figures this bit of good un-news for our community is good as is, so we will take a page from the Osceola News-Gazette and put up Mr. Long's e-mail as is.

One note to the School Board, which any of you who attended the meeting would understand. As Osceola County's most trusted un-news source, we do not consider ourselves to be 'The Media.' We are more like an un-media source providing un-news information to readers who don't really read those 'damn blogs anyway.' What you call lambasting, we call debate on what we believe are critical issues of policy. While the WayneWho staff understand governments aversion to these types of discussions, we still enjoy having them, especially when we can find a way to make a policy point with an un-news article about a self cleaning public toilet. Nobody ever said policy had to be boring.

As for this post, it seems that the community has been able to stop a wasteful development project. As Mr. Long states below, this is not really the end. Even if the Preserve/Signature Crossing project never reappears, other bad projects will. Vigilance is the price of our Democracy and the job of every American. It is not a price that should be paid by only a few. We hope you enjoy an e-mail from one of the few.

"Fellow Taxpayers,

Hopefully for the last time, I can say that Signature Crossing/The Preserve, is finally dead in Osceola County.

The School Board voted 4-1 to deny it moving forward. David Stone said that this has been a drain on the district. Julius Melendez said the project kept changing and questioned the cost, to date, to the district. Cindy Hartig said the District would be in competition with the citizens. Jay Wheeler was the only one willing to spend your tax dollars against your will. Remember that next year.

I would like to personally thank everyone and every group that has helped end this waste of our tax dollars. I especially would like to thank those of you that took time out of your lives to attend many Saint Cloud City Council, County Commission, Education Foundation and School Board Meetings.

We must remain ever vigilant. This took three years to kill and it has been reported dead before. Greed has an unlimited life span and who knows what tax drain plot will come our way again.

Tom Long"


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Tom Long. You did an excellent job and deserve credit for your actions.

Anonymous said...

I think it is finally done. I just don't see how this stupid project can come back now.

Anonymous said...


I think we need an insurance policy against this type of school board abuse. Why don't you run for school board? You could make such a big difference. For once the taxpayers would be protected.

Anonymous said...

Destiny... Destiny is next.