Thursday, July 9, 2009

Did Staff Lie?

An interesting discrepancy was uncovered at this past week's City of Kissimmee Commission meeting. While we understand that the commission feels that it is important to make small insignificant changes to give the appearance that they are doing something, we feel that wasting time on logo changes to try to help Commissioner Art Otero feel patriotic is not helpful to the citizens of our community. While we do not wish to discuss Commissioner Otero's waning patriotism, we do have to wonder, after yesterday's un-news article, if this is a growing trend with newly elected officials? Regardless of these issues, it was during the discussion of possible changes to the city's logo, which sounded more like the nonsensical singing of Nero as Rome burned, price discrepancies were questioned by Commissioner Cheryl Grieb. The WayneWho staff feels that it was this part of the discussion that begs the most attention and possible investigation.

About a year ago, Commissioner Grieb had suggested that the City of Kissimmee hire a design firm to create a new logo that would help to improve the city's marketing efforts. Much like the City of St. Cloud had done, Commissioner Grieb felt that a new logo would help to redefine our community. Her mistake at the time was in suggesting that the city remove the 'Cow' from the logo. The public reacted negatively and the project found itself without much support. The information that killed the project was a report from city staff that it would take $200,000 to change the logo.

Fast forward to present day and now to change the logo to help a commissioner finally feel patriotic, and the amount of money that it will cost to change the logo is around $745.00. WTF? How can the number drop from $200,000.00 to $745.00? Is the economy that bad or did staff mislead the commission a year ago? The excuse from the City Manager is that the price difference is related to the speed at which the commission at that time wanted to change out the new logo. This is not the full truth by any means. If you listen to the tapes of those meetings, time frame of a new marketing deployment was only lightly touched on. When the Commissioners discussed rolling out the new logo changes more slowly, it was staff that directed the discussion towards a hasty deployment. When the numbers came in at over $200,000 dollars staff never said that there were ways cut the expense, or delay the expenditure over time. Quite simply put, staff misled the city commission.

What we find really disturbing is that staff is once again misleading the commission. It will still cost around $200,000 dollars to change out the logo, it is just that it will broken up over time. The WayneWho staff finds it sad that the commission would allow these types of expenditures instead of finding ways to reduce the costs to citizens and the businesses of this community. Raising fire fees on small businesses to pay for logo changes just seems out of touch when the area is in economic turmoil.

Our last points on this issue would be that if the commission is going to follow this misguided path, wouldn't it actually be more intelligent to do what Commissioner Grieb suggested? That is to hire a professional firm to develop the logo and let the public decide what they like? Why is it our city logo has been hijacked by the commission and staff and is being changed without public input? Is this the logo of the city commission or a logo that represents the City of Kissimmee? Maybe something as drastic as a logo change should be directed by professionals working with the public instead of individuals with absolutely no marketing experience, working behind the scenes. Seems like a simple conclusion to reach for us, but we guess we will have to see if the commission wants to involve the public or not.


Anonymous said...

Getting ready to get rid of 15 employees and this is the best issue that they can talk about right now? You are right Wayne, it is sad.

Anonymous said...

The logo was not a big issue when it was first brought up and the PIO did not want to get in the middle of a 'cow' war. Now the PIO is trying to figure out how to keep off of the chopping block, so logo changes are more important.

I am just sick of the whole thing.

Anonymous said...

Wayne you are as crazy as ever. You attack them for trying to make changes to the logo, then you tell them how to do it. Crazy.

Anonymous said...

None of the Commission can seem to comprehend what Commissioner Greib was saying (that the cost is still over $200,000)it is just a matter of paying out over a period of years or all at one time. If the logo is going to be changed (which I don't agree with during these poor economic times)they need to do it correctly, as Commissioner Greib said, and look at having it totally redeveloped by someone who knows what they are doing,

Also, the cost of staff time working on the logo has never been factored into the cost.

I am patriotic and don't have "In God We Trust" tatooed on my forehead.

Anonymous said...

Durbin/Staff lied/mislead the City Commission. This is not news. He/they have been doing this for many years. He/they have lied many times before. Funny thing is that the Commission does not care. They are lazy and do not prepare or do any research or homework. They just meet every Tuesday, let Durbin tell them what to do or how to vote and then go home.

Swan is a joke. He truly is a puppet. Name one agenda or item that he has campaigned for (crickets chirping). He has lunch with Durbin on Mondays and then does his bidding on Tuesday's.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you Wayne - what a waste of taxpayers money.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the should talke to Mary Jane and work the color purple into the logo.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was Fridays with Durbin, Steigerwald and Smalwood. Wow. Mondays? Swans memory must be getting shorter.

Anonymous said...

I think the correct headline should be When doesnt staff lie?

Anonymous said...

The City Manager and the whoever is the Mayor have been having lunch since the early 1970's to go over the agenda in Kissimmee. Jim Welsh and his KUA Chairman head to Hunters Creek in Orange county for the monthly Pow-Wow.