Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Out For Bid

First we would like to start off by saying we appreciate the Osceola News Gazette's article this past Saturday that represented some of the critisims being voiced by those who were affected by the flooding rains (4 inches) that overwhelmed the City of Kissimmee's storm water system. We hope that questions about the failure of the system over such a large area continue to be asked and that city government can divert some energy away from designing logos and put it into fixing failing infrastructure. If nothing else, maybe someone should ask where all of our "Stormwater Fee" money has been going if it has not been going into updating and upgrading our stormwater infrastructure? Where did the money go?

As far as today's article, we will keep it short. On tonight's City of Kissimmee Commission Meeting Agenda, or script as we like to call it, there is an interesting item up for discussion. Item 8B is a discussion on the "Solid Waste Franchise Agreement" which is currently held by Waste Management who employs our Mayor, Jim Swan. The agenda item is intended to give the staff direction on whether or not to open open the door for bids on the agreement to other companies, or if they should keep the contract locked with Waste Management.

The WayneWho staff believes this as a very simple choice. Open the bidding process to make sure that the taxpayers are getting the best deal possible. This does not indicate that Waste Managment has problems, or is a problem, but in times such as times such as these wise decisions are made based on research. By openning up the bidding process, a level of transparancy can be created as well as a sense of fiscal responsibility. Maybe if researching better deals were done more often, taxes and fees would not have to be raised year after year. Do the right thing and put it out for bid.

(Sidenote: The WayneWho staff refuses to comment on the personal relationships of out-of-state bloggers and problems they may, or may not, be having with their local electorally challenged counterparts. While we have received many e-mails on this subject, we feel it is not our place to get involved with the personal issues and/or the relationships of others. We just don't feel that any of these topics belong in our realm of un-news. We just hope that those involved can kiss and make-up before feelings really get hurt.)


Anonymous said...

the other wayne sounds very upset and tony. this will probably weigh down the upcoming election season. kiss and make up guys...

GRAFFIX said...

First 3 paragraphs; I agree and it should be interesting to see if the Mayor will recuse himself, not speak, not offer an opinion and not vote on the issue. Last paragraph: Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I thought they just raised the storm water fees. Yeah, that is a real good question. Where are they spending that money?

Anonymous said...

I just read the city shut down their help line for flood victims and refer them all to the county nnumber! Whats up with that? Where is Kissimmee's feelings to their own citizens? Where is the "stormwater fee" money? Maybe Gemskie can crawl out of Durbin's office and let us know.