Monday, October 5, 2009

Our Only Hope

The WayneWho staff has been amazed at the number of local officials who honestly believe that their elections into local governmental offices somehow equates them with the office of the President of the Unites States of America. While we have no problem with local leaders honestly debating policy issues between the local, state and federal levels of government, we have yet to hear anything that could be called honest or a debate. What we have heard are fringe party line ramblings that make no sense especially when it comes to what the needs of our local community actually are. It appears that our local leaders are working very hard to find ways to take money from our citizens and hand it out in the form of subsidies where ever they can. While doing this they blame local residents for not understanding how hard their jobs are and, at the same time, they shake their mighty fists at the President of the United States and shout claims of incompetence and orchestrated take over all at the same time. Which is it, incompetent or mastermind? As residents of this great community, we must say we are embarrassed at best.

In this past week's School Board Update, from Osceola County School Board Member for District One, Jay Wheeler launches into a tirade of personal attacks and claims that he is smarter than the President of the United States and that he has all the answers on dealing with complex foreign policy issues when it comes to Iran. Here is some classy rhetoric from Mr. Wheeler:

"Finally I have to get this off my chest. The misguided effort to bring Chicago the 2016 Olympics is embarrassing at best. The fact that the President went at a cost of 1.4M to the taxpayers doesn't bother me as much as the foolish strategy that had us finish in last place. Let's see we brought Oprah, did someone think it would be a donut eating contest? Who did Brazil bring? Pele, arguably the greatest soccer player of the past 100 years. Hmmm let's see Chicago wanted the Olympics, maybe bringing MICHAEL JORDAN would have been a good move to impress the IOC. After all he won 6 NBA titles in Chicago is known all over the world and oh yeah, he is an OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST-not a fat talk show host. What an incredibly misguided arrogant effort. Plus Iran is making a fool of us too right now. By having direct negotiations over Iran nuclear policy with the US Government it allows the current corrupt regime to use this as propaganda with it's own people to help legitimize itself, saying 'look President Obama's team is talking to us'. This has nothing to do with Democratic or Republican politics, it is about the value of being smart vs. being stupid. I am a much bigger fan of smart."

Nothing but class.

First we would just like to note that President Barack Obama, the Mayor of the City of Chicago, and all of the members of the team who worked so hard to bring the Olympics back to the U.S.A. should have called Osceola County School Board Member Jay Wheeler for his advice. His extensive experience in international relations and his contacts with the Olympic Committee that he has developed as a School Board Member could have helped our case. Of course none of us knew this before the decision was made because Mr. Wheeler only let us know of his knowledge after the bid was awarded to Rio. Next time we will know and we will make sure to beg Mr. Wheeler to help grease the wheels with his extensive contacts so we won't be left to wonder what might have been.

Second, Mr. Wheeler's advice on the using one of the most influential media personalities who answered the call of service when President Obama asked for her support in Copenhagen instead of one of basketball's best because he had a scheduling conflict is probably spot on. President Obama should have lobbied the IOC to change the dates of the final presentation so Michael Jordan would not have to adjust his underwear commercial shooting schedule. This would have been the best move considering all of the accomplishments which include five MVP awards, nine All-Defensive First Team honors, three All-Star Game MVP awards, ten scoring titles, six NBA Finals MVP awards, the 1988 NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award, and a 1993 gambling controversy which exploded into confessions from Michael Jordan on his gambling issues. Mr. Wheeler has a point in attacking Ms. Winfrey's eating habits and the fact that he thinks she is fat should have disqualified her as being an ambassador for our country. If Mr. Wheeler thinks that fat people, or anyone who likes donuts are bad, then they probably are.

And finally we have to hope that President Obama will send Mrs. Clinton and some of the Pentagon's top brass down to Florida to consult with Mr. Wheeler on this whole Iran issue. It is obvious that Mr. Wheeler and Fox News Comedian Glenn Beck have been working out the details on this issue, so Washington needs to pay attention. Our Osceola County School Board has something to say and who would know better about what tactics work best in controlling the nuclear ambitions of a rogue state? Thank you Mr. Wheeler, you are our only hope. Now just transfer some of that worldly knowledge into actually trying to create a school system that can help students compete in the post construction boom economy. It is either that or our Mr. Wheeler should follow in the footsteps of his mentor Richard Simmons and become the country's Donut Czar. Either path sound good to us.


Unknown said...

It seems apparent from your readings of Mr Wheeler and mine are the same. He is an arrogant, self-loving, effette snob. Wheeler uses his "It's for the kids" mantra to garner support for himself. What has he been able to put in his campaign portfolio? Nada. Nothing. He can try and use the excuses that he used to use, but his former board members are gone. who will he use on this run? Give it up Jay. Your time in the spotlight will be over soon and the kids will be better for it.

Anonymous said...

The problems seems that Jay's classy act is a reflection of District 1. There are alot of people who spew venom like Jay did in his letter and they hate anyone who thinks differently than they do. I just find what Jay said sad and I am shocked that anyone could conduct themselves in this manner.

Anonymous said...

Richard Simmons ! Jay loves to dance like Richard and he school board policies come straight from Mr. Simmon's Deal-a-Meal diet plan. Sure does explain alot.

Anonymous said...

It's over Jay. It doesn't matter how much money you gather from all over the country. Nancy Gemskie will beat you soundly next year. If you don't know that by now, your listening to the wrong people. You've offended Republicans, seniors, business owners and everyone tired of hearing your weekly propaganda.

Anonymous said...

Wheeler knows he's done at the school board. The dominoes have started to fall.

1) Rich Crotty will not run for US House.

2) The next person to back out will be Dan Webster.

3) Then Steve Precourt will challenge Alan Grayson, leaving an open seat in the FL House.

4) Jay Wheeler will run for the Florida House.

If you want to stop Wheeler, Call Dan Webster and tell him to run for Congress!

Anonymous said...

WHEELER WALKS ON WATER! He sugests that if you have his bumper sticker, it COULD get you out of a ticket.
He use to be involved at the other local blog, but got offended when they printed some of his high junks. Hey Jay- don't pout and go away, just GO AWAY!

Anonymous said...

Quit hammering Jay. He does a great job because he cares about our kids.