Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Commission or middlemen?

From what we’ve heard, at last night’s county commission meeting, the proposed 8-story hotel to be located on 535 was shot down by a 4/1 vote of our commissioners even though their attorney stated that there were no legal grounds to do so. It is not that we are upset at this decision as we believe that yet another hotel is probably not needed, but we do find it interesting that our commission seemingly cherry picks what developments pass and what developments get shot down based on whether they are in the district of a commissioner up for election. Note that this project is located in District 1 up for election in 2008.

Not that long ago, a proposed development requiring a zoning change was passed due to the commissioners believing that they could not tell someone how to use their property. Well maybe they cannot tell someone how to use their property, but surely they can deny a zoning change request. This development was in District 5 which is a district that at the time was not up for election. Right around the same time though, in District 4, a district that was up for election, the Rinker plant was shot down even though all of the required criteria had seemingly been met. Because of this poor decision, our county is once again going to waste our tax dollars in a courtroom fighting a battle they cannot win.

Now we see the downside of districting. Outsourcing the decision making process to the courts to protect re-election bids. Should we as residents be fearful of what could be in our back yard if we live in a district that is not up for election?


Anonymous said...

I fully agree. I think the groundwork for the "I voted no on developments 50 times" rhetoric starts setting in about this time before an election begins. You gotta start the official count. One down. How unfortunate for the residents of Osceola. We are now seeing a trend setting commission on a mission. To make the people think that they are on their side, this commssion has begun to vote against "legal" developments only to have yet another costly lawsuit thrown against the county and charged to the taxpayers. Sound familiar? I think we are 0-1 for this strategy. Maybe we should start a spinoff of "Heroes" on Access Osceola for our residents to try and figure out who is fighting for them -the commission or the judges. What are they thinking? Or are they?

Anonymous said...

If the judges are going to do all of the work, why do we need a commission anyway. The only reason they are there is to push through developments for their buddies. Maybe sombody was mad at the Arringtons for trying to campaign against the stupidity of this county. So this leads to a project they are involved with being shot down to make a point.

Anonymous said...

I think Wayne is jealous because you hear the voices that make sense and he hears voice that tell him that peanut butter cups are the creation of satan.


Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I am afraid you might be right about them voting no. I was very happy to find out they did vote no (vote against development) because I think they need to stop it all. I don't see how they can keep building when they have not built the roads or schools that we need. You are right that this was probably not the smartest time for the county to fire up the only anti-growth brain cell they have left. Not on a hotel. I do hope we see them shut down more housing developments in areas like Poinciana where the crime and traffic are just crazy. They need to learn to say no to developers like Avatar that only care about profit, not community. Say no to Avatar, and then we will believe that you are serious about helping the residents.

Anonymous said...

District 1, hmm....I wonder if they were building a roadside ticket booth if there would have been opposition?

Anonymous said...

Osceola County Commission
Turns Down Developer!

Call Guinness Book of World Records! As it probably turns out, somebody's arm must not have been long enough to reach under the table. As the Donald would say "You're FIRED!" That developer had better start hiring staff with longer arms if they're gonna make it in this county.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, the TicketGate scandal that was quickly pushed aside. And we are supposed to trust these people with make decisions on our future growth. We are doomed. They will bury us just like the turtles.