Friday, October 19, 2007

Building A Better Fee

In an effort to stave off the onslaught of tax relief attempts by the State of Florida legislature and Governor Charlie Crist, the City of Kissimmee has put the finishing touches on a new 'fee' that will ensure economic stability for the city government for years to come. While other 'fees' and taxes have generated negative responses from those forced to pay them, this new 'fee' promises to upset only a small but growing segment of our local community.

The new 'fee', originally dubbed the "Homeless Impact Fee" which will be renamed before the final vote, is designed to address the added impact and long term cost that the homeless community creates. "The homeless are an inevitable result of our current predatory growth practices that have fortunately prevailed in our community for the past several years," noted one high level official who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "The homeless are a vitally important and an integral part of our society because they serve as an example to the rest of society what happens when you fail to embrace benevolent government policies." Government officials acknowledge that the expense created by working to maintain the current homeless populations to be an example for others has increased rapidly over the past several years. The new 'fee' that will be charged to those who are homeless, are about to become homeless, or who benefit from panhandling will help to offset this expense. "We believe that this 'fee' will serve as a model for other communities to enact to help maintain their own homeless populations."

Building a better fee is not always as easy as it looks some administration officials have acknowledge. Some organizations were outraged by the name of the ordinance and demanded that the word "homeless" be changed to a term that bestowed dignity instead of dread. A consultant for the homeless made the simple claim that "Just because someone lacks a roof over their head does not mean they deserve the title 'homeless.' Being at home is a state of mind and who are we to judge who is or isn't homed in their own mind." Other terms that have been discussed for the ordinance are undwelled, unhomed, shelter challenged, and the perpetually out-of-doors. Right now, it seems that many are leaning towards the term undwelled or "Undwelled Impact Fee", which also seems to work for the new "Undwelled Bathing Station" that will be under construction very shortly.


Anonymous said...

This is the best article so far! I love it!

Anonymous said...

I think the undwelled persons that have been squatting around the Albertson's plaza on John Young Parkway need to visited by Kissimmee's finest.

Anonymous said...

Anymore tax increases and I will be joining the ranks of the undwelled.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the term "undwelled" can eventually be applied to the commissioners who will be without a political home come next November.

Anonymous said...

THey should pass out wrist bands that say "Undwelled Strong" since that is becoming the norm in Kissimmee.

Anonymous said...

I believe that a more politically correct term would be "Happy Campers"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We like to call them the 'Residentially Challenged' it is appropriate and politically correct. They are everywhere, Albertsons, old Hooters,the Daily Bread etc...not to be cold-hearted...but they are a meanace. They create a burden on our police officers and friefighters...keeping them from important calls.

Unfortunatley the puppets are not going to do anything about it. In fact they are building housing units on South John Young to bring in even more of them. So sad!!!