Thursday, October 11, 2007

Nukes before chips

Our good friends at the Wall Street Journal report on a study commissioned by Saint Consulting Group of Hingham, Mass. Saint Consulting is apparently in the business of supporting or opposing development plans, depending on who is paying for their consulting services.

1,000 randomly selected people from around the US were polled. 75% of those polled would oppose a casino being built in their town. 65% would oppose a nuclear plant. 20% would oppose a wind farm for power generation.

In last year's poll, only 23% supported power plants in general. This year the number is 40%, which is attributed to concerns over rising energy costs.

25% actively opposed a development project in their town, up from 20% last year.

We note that the data did not include any hypothetical scenarios about strip malls, financial services storefronts, or municipal fountains.


Anonymous said...

That is too bad. I would have loved to see the scenario of a municipal fountain that cost taxpayers $200000. I oppose the fountain, but I think it is a good idea to spend $200000 to give homeless people a bath. It's all about salesmanship.

Anonymous said...

Was there a point to all that? I can read this kind of garbage on Wayne Evans' page.