Thursday, January 17, 2008

20 Years

Remember 1987?

  • Iran-Contra
  • Dow Jones Industrial Average above 2,000 for the first time (1/8/87)
  • Unabomber detonates bombs in Salt Lake City
  • Chrysler acquires American Motors Corporation
  • Jim Bakker resigns after admitting an affair with Jessica Hahn
  • Ronald Reagan challenges Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall
  • Baby Jessica is rescued from a well in Texas
  • NASA announces the names of 4 companies awarded contracts to help build the space station
Seems like a lifetime ago, right?

How many sports stadiums have outlived their usefulness in less than 20 years?

City of Kissimmee officials stated to WFTV that it might be 20 years until the Vine St. corridor is booming again.

Of course, they were saying that it was a 20 year project 2 years ago during the public information hearings on the corridor, so it might really be 22 years.

In the meantime, the corridor now has a reputation for prostitution, crime, and people begging TV crews for money.

Maybe we should put some of those NASA rocket scientists, who might be looking for work following the sunset of the shuttle program, to work on this problem. It seems like they've built a space station faster, and even that was behind schedule.

Otherwise, we might have housing options and jobs available for kids born in 2010 when they graduate from high school.


Anonymous said...

I'm responding here to the article "A League of Their Own."
It is pathetic that the local press: the Osceola News-Adzette, St. Cloud in the Snooze and The Orlando Slantinel are always quick to rush to the aid of the liberal, flip-flop bureaucrats when tax increases and socialized government are called for, but when hard-working American citizens of our community come together to address and offer solutions and results to government induced problems -the media fulfills its true title "The Press." But sadly instead of "pressing" OUR elected leaders as to why they are breaking every family's bank, they "press" the people back into submission and dicouragement into a hopeless despair. Welcome to Osceola County -where our politicians and media have long since lost any resemblance to an American value.

Anonymous said...

The answer the planning staff gave about the plans for fixing 192 was to add condos. Are these people really this stupid? If this is the best answer we can get from city staff, we need to start cutting people loose. Right now condos are being auctioned off just to turn them. Are you suggesting that is what will fix Kissimmee??

Anonymous said...

More interesting facts on Osceola County in 1987:

October 1987 - BVL residents living along the lake and county workers rose up in rebellion against the evil Muscovy duck. The ducks had threatened pets and dirtied porches with their droppings. The ducks were rellocated to some other location.

November 1987 - The speed limits on a 60 mile stretch of the turnpike through Osceola County were raised to 60 miles per hour.