Saturday, January 12, 2008

Comment Corner

Comment to "High-tech economic development coming to a county near you..." - January 7th

Annonymous said - "To anonymous who doesn't like anyone that's running for the County seats:Why don't you run if you think you can do any better!You know how to complain, but do you have anything positive to add?I wonder if you even tkaje yourself to the voting booth?"

Our Response - We feel this was best responded to by the person we believe this was directed to. Please read:

Annonymous said - "That is a stupid comment. Some of us contribute to our communities in other ways. The sad part is most of us have to work harder to fix the mistakes of the politicians.

And I always "tkaje" myself to the voting booth. I am just tired on voting for pretend republicans!"


Comment to "Clueless? (...or When Mayors Attack)" - January 9th

Annonymous said - "Hmmmm... Someone who know that the book Jerry is holding is a Budget Summary and not the full budget? That might narrow the field on the "Who is WayneWho?" pool we have going on!

And just so you know, the Mayor treats everyone like that. He acts nicer at the MetroPlan meetings, but when he is back in Kissimmee he puts on the bear show."

Our Response - Hmmmm... Someone who knows how the Mayor acts at the Metro Plan meetings? That might narrow the field on who our annonymous commenter is. Oh, by the way, how much is the pool up to???


Anonymous said...

Who is Wayne Who? How do I get in the pool? How much is the pool? I could use some bucks, but then will Wayne Who pay me to keep my mouth shut?

Anonymous said...

It's the same old people that complain. If you ever asked them if they vote, their reply would probably be "what for?" All politicians are the same. Listen to the new people running maybe they will give you some hope for the County.