Thursday, April 3, 2008


Yes, the Toho Preserve project has been approved. Now we are going to hear from commissioners and our local media about how there was nothing that could be done to stop the development and that the "anti-development" forces need to just suck it up. That is a an American Ideal if we have ever heard one.

We tend to agree with the Gazette that the restrictions and conditions that were imposed on the project because of the tenacity of the public and the realization from the commission that they could not just rubber stamp another development are a great first step in controlling growth. We would also agree that now that the precedent has been set in these types of restrictions that further developments should be viewed under the same scrutiny. We also hope that the other DRI's and any other developments that are brought forward receive equal time and equal discussion. We would not call this a trial, and we would never discourage the public hearing process from being in depth and thoughtful.

Where we have a real problem with the Gazette's slanted view with the labeling of those who will be adversely affected by this development as "anti-development" or in other words crazy for going up against the pro-development machine. While the Gazette might declare "anti-development" as just a populist fad, we believe that these voices are much more than that. These voices are the ones that will steer our local government back from the brink of its own failure. These are the voices of reason that if heeded years ago, could have kept the county from having to scramble to keep people employed and scrambling to find money to keep our public safety services operational. Common sense voices are what we need. The Gazette's own editorial hints to the damage this development is going to do our local economy and the home values in our community but then states that this is the kind of "Smart Growth" development we need. Maybe it is just us, but that does not seem very smart, and it does not make common sense. Of course if you are a commissioner receiving campaign contributions from the developers involved with the project, then this all makes good sense to you. Maybe the Gazette should find a label for that instead labeling concerned citizens with anything but the term "American."


Anonymous said...

I was very angry when I read that editorial. It seemed to me the Adzette was saying the same thing we always hear: Shut up, this will be good for you. I am so tired of hearing that when every sign that we see is that all of these people are wrong.

Anonymous said...

Those people and everyone like them wreak of fascism. Why don't we just give them our right to vote and let them decide what is good for us all of the time. Do they even have an American bone in their bodies? Do they care an ounce for this country let alone the community?

Anonymous said...

It takes a certain type of person to be a County Commisioner. It really takes someone with some backbone. Unfortunately, we Do NOT have any Commisioners that fall into that category. For all of you reading this, please make the change happen. Do NOT vote for anyone that has been in office previously. We need someone who will NOT be affraid to say NO.
Look at District 3 for Tony Ferentinos and District 5 for Fred Hawkins.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? Fred Hawkins? That is ridiculous. Fred will never say no. Fred is a yes man. He has never met an insider deal he didn't like. I would rather have Bill Land or Judy Robertson. Where is Peter Olivo when you need him?