Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Property Taxes Going Up

Here is some news we know will be welcomed by the residents of Osceola County. Our property tax bills will probably be going up this coming year. The WayneWho staff has been doing some research on this information for some time to determine whether or not residents would see any savings because of the passage of Amendment 1, and it appears for most property owners, you will pay more even with the savings. The trick is in the "Homestead Exemption" that allows your property tax assessment to rise by a maximum of 3% every year. While property owners home values have tumbled, most have not dropped enough to slip under this magic 3% number. For many the tax credits from Amendment 1 will not be enough to offset this 3% increase, so in essence, most will see an increase in their property tax bills and local governments will see more revenues on this alone. Let's now add in the additional fees and fee increases governments have established to offset their "reduced" revenues and residents property tax savings are going to be all but gone. Commercial property owners will again take the biggest hit in the increases they are going to pay, but hey, it costs a lot of money to develop secret code names for economic development bowling allies. Maybe we should call this property tax season "Project Light Wallet," or better yet, "Project Rolling Coin."

Regardless of the outcome of this year's property tax increases, governments are going to blame the voters for this whole thing. It is the voters fault that they did not listen to the dire warnings of what would happen if they were not allowed to spend with no limits. It is the voters fault that the this area has taken one of the worst hits in the housing crisis because of bad growth policies that rewarded special interests over residents. It is all your fault.

With all of these arguments getting ready to explode over the next few weeks, we figured we would take a few days this week and explore some alternative fees and/or taxes that may or may not be introduced by local governments. The "How Shall We Tax?" series will begin tomorrow and explore ideas many are already talking about, and some fee/tax ideas that are straight from the un-news minds of the WayneWho staff. We hope you will will enjoy this smart tax synopsis.


Anonymous said...

This is probably the scariest thing I have read. I hope they don't go up again.

Anonymous said...

Oh they will. These idiots will make sure of it. They've got to "revenue neutral" these tax cuts. I've never seen a bigger bunch of liberals as these guys.

Anonymous said...

Republicans are supposed to be for lower taxes and less spending, but it looks like these bunch of bozo Republicans running the county and city need to go. Vote Democrat.

Anonymous said...

No don't vote Democrat, vote for new people who have never held a political seat before. No Lane, NO McKinnon, No Van Meter, No Robertson and No Gemskie. That's what we need to do. Spread the word. Make your vote count.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I will be voting for Democrats that are not D.I.N.O's (Democrats In Name Only) like Chuck Dunnick and Byron Hennecy who were both registered Republicans before the jumped in these races. Hennecy was actually in the race as a Republican at first until Fred Hawkins talked him into filling as a Democrate because it would easier for him to win. Both of these guys just want to take the easy way. You have to wonder what they would do if they actually got elected. The easiest route usually favors developers.

Anonymous said...

I have been burned too many times by Republican County Commissioners and School Board members. It really is against my principles, but I want to teach these tax and spend Republicans a lesson.

Anonymous said...

Looks like it is going to be a bad year for the local republican candidates. I am just glad to see that we have some decent Democrats in the races this year besides the ones who are republicans who switch parts so they have a better chance of winning in the general election. Looks like Osceola is turning back to a blue county.