Friday, June 6, 2008

Sentinel Endorses Ramirez

Just kidding...maybe.

What other explanation can there be for Mr. Ramirez's frequent appearances in the Orlando Sentinel of late. First there was the "puff piece" a couple weeks ago, including the big portrait picture. In the Thursday edition, Armando was the only non-school board member who had a reaction printed to the selection of the new schools superintendent.

Has everyone else turned off their cell phones (due to the economic downturn), such that the Sentinel can only reach Armando? Does the Sentinel think that by identifying Mr. Ramirez as a "community activist" and not as a "candidate" that other candidates aren't going to quickly tire of this game? We know that City Commissioner Irizarry has many in the media angry, but there has to be others you can contact for a comment or two.

The other reaction comment, from school board member David Stone, is perhaps more challenging. He says "You know, folks...we don't need more lawyers...we do need plumbers, and we do need pipe fitters, and we do need concrete guys and masons." We would agree that skilled trades jobs were routinely overlooked for years, as students looked for the "big money" technology jobs. But as of late, it doesn¹t seem like there is as much of a need for skilled tradespeople either. Does this comment suggest that Mr. Stone believes that the school district should move away from college prep type training towards industrial arts training? How does that reconcile with the region's desire for advanced education to bring technical employers and higher-paying jobs into the area? Maybe Mr. Stone has just given up on the abilities of Osceola County students and believes they can not learn anything more advanced? We guess we will just have to ask him.


Anonymous said...

I am not sure if it is full or not, but you can bet more of it will be coming out or Ramirez's mouth in another unsuccesful bid for office.

Unknown said...

I'm so tired of Ramirez and his rants. His misunderstanding of the the issues and the english language are a distraction.

Anonymous said...

Wayne Who for Mayor!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What ever happened to equal time for all candidates? The Orlando Sentinel needs to abide by that.
When you focus on one candidate and leave the others in limbo without any public exposure is just outright wrong.

Anonymous said...

The Sentinel prints every press release that Armando has someone help him write. How about all his letter's to the editor in Osceola? No wonder Armando doesn't spend much on advertising, the Sentinel does it for him. The Sentinel doesn't contact other candidates for their opinions. I believe they are lazy & just print whatever is "handed" to them. I bet they don't even contact Armando for a quote, he calls them to give it.
Activist my Ass!