Monday, February 9, 2009

And The 'Taxes' Red Glare

Local government officials often preen their feathers while chattering about how important their role is in the 'big picture' of our daily lives. "We are the people who provide emergency services, and we are the ones who can raise your taxes," are just some of the blathering comments you will hear politicians chirp in their own honor. For those of us who enjoy history, we are reminded of the nonsensical babbling of British royals who espoused their importance in governing of the New World from across the Atlantic. The 'royals' exercised their governing expertise in a land they had never seen by doing the same thing politicians have been doing since politicians were created, they raised taxes. Of course now we see our local elected leaders at both the city and county levels want to increase our gas tax to make sure they have access to dedicated funding for all of their important things that they do for us.

Dedicated Funding

The term "Dedicated Funding" should strike fear in the hearts and wallets of all of our residents. "Dedicated Funding" really means "Replacement Funding" for money we are misspending someplace else. The increase in the gas tax which is being championed by county officials such as County Commissioner Fred 'I will never vote for a tax increase' Hawkins and Brandon 'Be My Valentine' Arrington presents a dangerous economic pitfall for not only the residents of our community, but the businesses as well. Very recent history shows us the crippling effects of high gas prices which helped to accelerate the economic disaster that has now befallen our county, so the WayneWho staff has to ask, why would you run the risk of pushing our county that much closer to the brink of collapse? Wouldn't the most prudent course to take be to help incubate, not subsidize, businesses in Osceola County be reducing fees and taxes where possible? It has been proven time and time again that giving government more money to misspend is not the answer.

While the WayneWho staff firmly believes that funding Lynx appropriately is critical, we believe that the funding is already present in the taxes already being charged. Forcing more gas tax revenues from the hardest working members of our community, who have to drive to other counties to go to work, to pay for round-a-bout fountains and poorly painted light poles on the tourism side of town sounds more like the chirping of the British Royals of old, chattering over the 'new revenue' the New World represented. We guess that our newly elected officials have already decided to powder their wigs in honor of King Louis XIII. We just hope they remember that it was a tax on white wig powder that ended the fashion of white wigs.


Anonymous said...

Get'em Taxes

Anonymous said...

All they know how to do is subsidize. Look at that new "incubator" in Stevens Plantation. There is nothing their. Stevens looks like a complete wasteland. Where is the final report on the forensic audit they where supposed to be doing? I guess it came back so bad that they had to go with the whole incubator greating jobs BS. Nothing but government waste!

Anonymous said...

Jerry wears a wig? Never would have guessed it.