Monday, February 23, 2009

Anti-Gas Tax Formula

The residents of Osceola County are about to pay dearly for the mis-management of local governments. Just as gas prices have started to come down, and residents have earned some relief at the pump, Osceola County wants to max out it's local option 'Gas Tax' to the full 11-cents per gallon to fill the holes in their government budget. Of course our local mainstream news media, the Osceola News Gazette, was quick to jump on board with this tax raising idea and praised it in an editorial this past weekend. In the Editorial called "5-cent gas tax needed now", the Gazette's Editors urged Osceola County Government to enact a new 5-cent per gallon of gas (which means that you are actually paying Osceola County 11-cents per gallon) and to dedicate the funding to the Lynx transportation system, road improvements, and rail transportation. Their crack investigative teams have uncovered something that most of us have known for years, the county has fallen behind on road construction and maintenance projects that we have already paid for. Although their editorial is filled with nothing but empty promises, false logic, and pure mis-statements, this un-news article is not about the ignorance of the media, it is about the idea of raising another tax.

We have been told for many years that growth should, and would pay for itself. It has not. As we have written time and time again, growth will never pay for itself. Better "Transportation Options" were supposed to have been taken care of because of the bounty of dollars generated by growth which would bring impact fees, more property taxes, and more revenue in general. Well, where are they? What we are left with is a lot of pipe dreams and promises and no money to pay for them. That is unless we tap the ATM (Automatic Tax Machine) known as the residents of Osceola County. The idea is really very simple, government does not have to cut back and make hard decisions if it can generate more revenue without increasing it services. Government would just end up with a higher profit margin that it could then roll into advanced spending measures that have little to do with "Public Transportation" or "Better Roads," or any other type of political campaign promise like "Transportation Options." Lynx will never be funded adequately because it serves a segment of our population that historically does not vote. If "Public Transportation" was really a big concern of politicians, then why have commissioners allowed it to be in the middle of a funding game of chicken? And if roads that served our working class citizens who are just trying to get to work and home again in a timely fashion were honestly on the agenda, then why is it that a majority of the funding for road construction and maintenance for the past fiver years has been spent on new roads for creating more developable land for homes to be built on? The homes that, by the way, should be paying for all the transportation improvements we now need. Growth will pay for itself after all, right?

The problem with an increase in the gas tax is that the money will never be spent for what it is intended. Sure for a year or two, to get though re-election campaigns, some money will make its way to Lynx and our roads so signs can be erected to show how government is spending our money. Then someone will come up with some plan that will need the transportation funds to accomplish, and the promises of "Transportation Options" will be broken again.

The real problem is that local governments do not want to save more in their general fund money to pay for the improvements that are being talked about. Cut "Access Osceola" and use that money to fund Lynx. Cut County Commissioners allowance's that they gift to government dependent social programs and give that money to Lynx. Cut retirement benefits for elected public servants and give that money to Lynx. There are "Funding Options" other than making another withdrawal from the pockets of Osceola County residents and we suggest government explore those first.

The last argument that the WayneWho staff would like to make is that the total of increases in fees and taxes for governments, toll road authorities, and over-leveraged private sector companies trying to stay afloat are going to continue to erode revenues locally. While many will argue that an increase in the gas tax will only add $160.00 to the amount spent on gas for the average family in one year, we need to then add the extra $80.00 in toll increases for the year, $40.00 in increases for trash collection, $150.00 for increases in electric and water, and then of coarse whatever additional increases there will be in gas when the price goes back up. With the state the economy is in right now, a tax increase cannot be looked at in a vacuum. While we do not suggest that local governments should take a back seat in generating the revenues for services that their residents truly need, we are suggesting that governments develop a big picture mentality. The bigger picture right now for most in our community is survival, and taking more money from them is irresponsible.


Anonymous said...

This is just another bailout. Government did not spend its money wisely and now they want us to bail them out. They will dangle roads and trains in our face in the hope that we will just roll over and bail them out. This is just like the mortgage mess. Why should I pay for something I do not need and will never use!

Anonymous said...

I now I always end up with bad gas when they raise taxes. I was almost hospitalized when they created the Fire Fee.

Anonymous said...

You have realized that taxing one's self into prosperity is impossible. Most of us that are older remember the Govt deciding to "borrow" from social security and issue "iou"s" to pay it back. Wonder of wonders, they never did. You hit the nail on the head about Govt telling us a project will pay for itself. In the 70's, they told us the east west expressway toll road would pay for itself in 10 years. Why is it still there? Because when Govt creates a layer of bureauocracy, it won't let it die. Keep on reporting your un-news but ask someone to translate it into Spanish so others can understand the Govt lies. Of course then we would have to expect those others would vote. Ain't gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

Automatic Tax Machine! I love it!!

Anonymous said...

Hunter's Creek can look forward to an increase in gas sales if all I have to do is drive into Orange County to save 5 cents per gallon.

Anonymous said...

Here is something interesting pick up from
This was written by Tony Ferentinos.
I would like to address the proposed 5 cent gasoline tax for Osceola County. I for one am totally against adding any gasoline tax to the residents of our County. I mentioned this in one of your letters to the editor in 2008.
Let’s assume the gas tax passes. People will be filling up their gas tanks at locations outside of our County. A good example would be the residents of BVL would go to Meadow Woods and fill up there. While they’re over in Orange County they might say: since I’m here let me do some grocery shopping at the same time. Now how much tax money did Osceola County collect? Let’s be practical. Funding the Choo-choo to nowhere is a total waste. Especially with the type of economy we have at the present time. If the Commissioners had spend 10% of their time that they spent on commuter rail , working out plans years ago to create jobs in our County, maybe we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in right now.
If the Commission or our illustrious County Manager are worried on how to raise money for building and repaving roads, when they should have addressed this to the other illustrious leaders in Tallahassee that represent our County. Look at the so called Obama Stimulus. Osceola County gets ZERO DOLLARS! That’s right I said NO MONEY at all. Look it up for yourselves at Where do you see anything for Kissimmee or St. Cloud in this stimulus package? They’re 1752 projects slated for Florida. I guess we’re no part of this State.
Where have our elected officials been this whole time? Oh yes that’s right the Lincoln Day Dinner, Golf tournaments and meetings with people to raise money for their next campaign so that they can do the same thing for the next for years NOTHING!
Osceoleans it’s time we woke up and told them NO MORE TAXES!
Worry about our over inflated property taxes, overpriced utility bills and our unemployed citizens that are about to loose their homes not due to bad loans, but to losing their jobs. Now they want to take another 5 cents off your table.

I feel that government should act and be responsible like our citizens at these hard economic times. They should work with what they have like all of us and make it work the best way they can until things get better.