Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Chit -n- Chat

In the spirit of the launch of the new Access Osceola production known as 'Chit -n- Chat with Commissioners' which is being modeled after the ABC's ratings draw, the 'View', the City of Kissimmee Commission meeting tonight will feature fun discussion items for the whole family to enjoy. The new gossip style talk show is being used to help commissioners look smart by cherry picking questions that commissioners are given a week to prepare answers for. But tonight, the Chit -n- Chat crew will perform live, for the few dozen people who still watch the public access channel.

The first item up for some gooey gossip is the Local Vendor Preference topic. While commissioner hearts will be all a flutter about the greatness of local companies, staff has already made sure to put in place the ability for the city to chose outside vendors based on their criteria of qualifications. While we have seen this policy already fail in some of Osceola's other local governments, it is a perfect topic for Chit -n- Chat. Commissioners will be able to rattle on without providing any honest information as to how effective a local vendor policy will be for the business community. This should be fun and topical.

Next we have an issue brought up by Commissioner Art Otero, who seems to be the Elizabeth Hasselbeck of the group, about changing the City's logo by adding the phrase 'In God We Trust' on it. While we support the Commissioners 'Religulous' use of staff time and taxpayers dollars in bringing up this discussion in the middle of a budget shortfall, we have to wonder if it is necessary. The official motto of the United States of America and the State of Florida is already 'In God We Trust' so do we need to spend the money right now to make this change locally. Maybe we need the change because we feel that the luster of our last title 'All American City' has worn off. Must be time to move on to something else. We are sure the commissioners will give a heated exchange over some herbal tea on this topic.

The last topic, which if not for the arena would be a serious issue, is on whether the City Commission should disband the Community Redevelopment Agency's Board of Commissioners and take over the role themselves. While the WayneWho staff has long championed getting rid of the CRA, we do not see any advantage in trading one board for another. While we understand the City Commission is running out of things to 'Chat' about, we feel they need to stay focused on a much larger set of issues facing our community. While the CRA Commissioners have done little to help our area, most in the downtown view them as harmless. If the City Commissioners were to take over we could end up with the Downtown looking like Vine Street, and then where would we go to Chit -n- Chat.

We hope that this live version of Chit -n- Chat is a big hit and look forward to watching it week after week. Till then, save some tea for us.


Anonymous said...

Art does not Chit Chat as you call it. He whines. I guess that is why he is the Hasselbeck of the group.

Anonymous said...

The show was worse that what you describe. I would rather see the return of Payne Evans!

Anonymous said...

Are you suggesting real questions and not rehearsed? Real comments and not rehearsed? Gemskie won't be there and Swan will show how well he spins. Irizarry can't be understood and Otero can only think of one thing at a time. Grieb? I don't think I would watch that.

Anonymous said...

In this time of economic crisis, I would propose that any phrase added to the logo be auctioned off to the highest bidder to raise money for the City. Just think maybe we can get half a million for Osceola County Drinks Coca Cola. Or maybe Randy Johnson and Co. will pony up some money for "Osceola County is your Destiny!"