Friday, May 1, 2009

Sick Piggy

Fear of the Swine Flu has affected many in the blogging world. At first, we had no concerns about contracting the heinous virus because even though we do not wear surgical masks, we do wear paper bags over our heads and felt this would keep us safe. But then, a report on the national news revealed that the one thing a blogger needs to blog could be more dangerous and filled with more germs than a toilet boil... the keyboard. Uggh! More germs than a toilet boil?

As you can imagine, there is not much money in anonymous blogging which means that the entire staff has only one communal keyboard to operate from. With the cost of paper bags going up, we did not know if we could afford to buy hand sanitizer too. Hence, the week has passed and the keyboard has sat lonely.

After a staff meeting, where we did NOT hold hands and sing "It's a small world" as we usually would, at last, a solution! One blogger cries, "where is the lady with the pot-bellied pigs? We can invite her to bring her precious swine over and they will draw the virus from the air." At that point we all all chuckled and realized that maybe we were getting just a little too caught up in it all.

*Please note that the swine flu is a serious virus and all precautions should be taken to avoid contracting it. But also remember that those precautions should always be taken and don't let the media scare you into not living (or in our case, not blogging.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your eco-guilt should make you change from paperbags to those reusable cloth bags. They are even more expensive and are filled with more germs.