Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Getting Bit

The WayneWho must admit that it is confused on one of the items on the consent agenda for tonight's City of Kissimmee Commission meeting. Item '7A' is a request to approve a contract renewal with BrightHouse Networks for Internet Services, which the city has already been using for the past three years. It is not the fact that they use BrightHouse as their provider that seems confusing to us, but it is the fact that the city owns KUA which has a side business of Internet Services and Internet Access that is not even even being considered. We took a quick look at the website at KUA.NET and we found a page that states "KUA.net offers High Speed Access plans to fit your needs." If this is true, we have to wonder why KUA.NET cannot meet the city's needs, and why the city would continue to pay to operate a service that they do not want to use? Or is it that the city's utility, KUA, is so greedy that it will not even cut itself a good deal because it refuses to bring its spending under control? The WayneWho staff thinks that the city, just like KUA's other rate payers, is tired of being bitten by the sneaky asterisks at KUA but we will wait for the commission to give our community some intelligent answers on this issue at their meeting this evening.*

*Length of meeting due to 'intelligent answer' criteria cannot be determined at this time and it is recommended that those attending the meeting pack a snack.


Anonymous said...

Could be that Brighthouse hosts their lousy TV station also?

Anonymous said...

KUA does not have the ability to handle what the city needs. They are just a small ISP.

Anonymous said...

The city of Kissimmee does NOT own KUA, and KUA has been their own entity for 10-15 years.

Anonymous said...

Then why is it considered a Municipally Owned Utility? In a press release on 3-4-2009 about some safety award the KUA won it clearly says "For the past 23 years, FMEA has recognized the efforts of Florida’s municipally-owned utilities to stress worker safety as the No. 1 priority."

It further says on the same press release that "Based in Tallahassee, Fla., FMEA (www.publicpower.com) is a service organization that represents Florida’s 34 municipally-owned electric utilities, which provide electricity to more than 3 million of Florida’s residential and business consumers."

So does KUA stand alone or are they municipally owned? We know they stand alone in what they think is best for the city and their rate payers, but the city pretty clearly owns them.

Anonymous said...

The City Does own a real good portion of KUA. Please stop with the Spin. Look at al the millions of dollars that go to the City from KUA annually.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sad when the best service you can get is from brighthouse.

Anonymous said...

Please look to King Swan to steer the meeting towards what Durbin needs. He can be belligerant if he wants to as you know. Look to Jemsky to ask questions he knows the answers too so Durbin or Swan can answer them.

Anonymous said...

A three ring circus all rolled into one room. It's called City of Kissimmee Chambers.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I want more puppets too!