Thursday, October 25, 2007

Smile for the Voter

As our readers are aware, the Kissimmee City Commission has proposed some changes to the city charter that will be on the ballot in January. All of the proposed changes are related to how elections are held in Kissimmee, covering issues such as how candidates qualify to run, when the election will be held, and a random lottery to determine the order in which candidate names will be placed on the ballot.

We thought of this when we recently read an Associated Press story about a Princeton University study in which participants were shown pairs of photographs for a very quick glance, and then asked to pick the individual they thought was more competent. The photos were those of candidates from governor and senator races around the country, and the participants picked the picture of the winner of the election more than two-thirds (66%) of the time.

What do you suppose would happen if a picture of each candidate was printed on the ballot?

Alexander Todorov, the psychologist who ran the study, commented "The findings suggest that fast, unreflective judgments based on a candidate's face can affect voting decisions. Voters are not that rational, after all. So maybe we have to consider that when we elect our politicians."


Anonymous said...

Not sure if ANYBODY could look at pictures of the current Kissimmee Commissioners and pick any that are competent. We know three for sure that are incompetent...Boss Swan, Van Meter and Gemskie.

Still might be hope for Irizarry and Grieb...jury still out.

Hopefully after next years elections we will have three fresh Commissioners that will be more than yes men for the City Manager.

Maybe they will actually put forth some effort and lead the city. After all the Commssioners are supposed to be the "boss" of the City Manager and not the other way around!

Anonymous said...

Nice Picture!

Anonymous said...

Its amazing to me that Gemskie with his "cowboy Jake" smile and extended hand Swancould fool anyone, but he does. Please not again. They need to go. Van Meter needs to go far far away don't you agree? Swan spends more time on the 5th floor than Gemskie, so he will run again. His manner of being Mayor is like King Greer. Rule with threats and intimidation.

Anonymous said...

My vote's for Nick Nolte.

Anonymous said...

I have heard that Boss Swan will not run...but with the fact that he makes $20,000+ dollars being the yes man for the City Manager, I find it hard to beleive he will not run.

Where else can you make that kind of money to basically show up every Tuesday and rubber stamp whatever the City wants????

We need new LEADERSHIP in this City!!! Someone who will proactivly do things and then get them accomplished. They could start with 192 (Vine St). How bad is that becoming???

Boss Swan, Van Meter and Gemskie are a joke. They like the title of Commissioner, but demonstrate no leadership or imagination!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just drove through Kissimmee and St Cloud. What a difference. Kissimmee has buisness after buisness closed and boarded up. The whole 192 area looks terrible. The lakefront has nothing to offer other than the park.

St Cloud looks great. I saw no closed buisnesses on 192. New areas being built. Their lakefront has a nice restaurant, a wedding was going to take place with a nice building for the reception. A nice park and swimming area.

St Cloud looks like a nice place to raise a family. Kissimmee looks like a place you want to avoid!!