Monday, February 25, 2008

Bought and Paid For: Political Sell Outs in Osceola County

Part Two: Fred Hawkins Jr. and The Omni Waste Connection

Today we continue our series of "Bought and Paid For:
Political Sell Outs in Osceola County.” where we examine one candidate's connections, Fred Hawkins, Jr., to see if he is truly the agent for change in Osceola County as his followers would have us believe, or if he is a continuation of the policies and practices of the current administration. Past is prologue, so we should do a little research.

In 1999 Tim Salopek, a lead man for Omni Waste, was virtually run out of DeSoto County when about 200 angry residents mobbed a planning board meeting in opposition to his proposed 300-acre landfill near Fort Ogden. What would Mr. Salopek's next target be? You guessed it, Osceola County.

Holopaw, Osceola County. Salopek homesteaded in St. Cloud and had an office in Punta Gorda (we’ll get back to this later) and thought it would be great if Osceola County residents would swallow a 200-acre landfill. Residents of Holopaw and St. Cloud expressed concerns and fears that the landfill would clog the streets with traffic, disturb wildlife and pollute the waterways that lead to the St. Johns River. What did the county do? They denied the landfill! We’re not joking. The county actually listened to the people and backed them. To say the least, the people’s decision did not sit well with Omni and Salopek, so they sued them. No surprise here, the county settled after promises from Omni of only hauling garbage from Osceola and bordering counties. Some financial perks were also added for the county, as well as a little handout to the good folks of Holopaw. The landfill was in and Omni was granted the permit that allowed them to raise the landfill 187 feet above sea level.

While all of this was going on, Salopek became “concerned” with his community. He joined director’s boards for Edison College, the Chamber of Commerce, the YMCA and wait for it: the Education Foundation. Salopek was also developing close ties with members of the County Commission and a particular up-and-coming pupil, Fred Hawkins -who ironically was the chairman of the Planning Board . Omni soon sold the landfill to a Canadian company, Waste Services, Inc. whom employed Mr. Hawkins as the Manager of Government Affairs. After the dump was opened the request was made to raise the landfill’s height to 330 feet (only 15 feet shorter than Brighton Hill–the highest point in Florida) as well as accept regional garbage. In the words of Mr. Hawkins, “That permission was granted with no fuss.” There should probably be no surprise that the County Commission had completely reversed its previous position on protecting the community, but it was shocking to the neighbors of the landfill.

So how do residents of Holopaw feel? Mr. Gary Pickett said “Some of us look at it as selling our soul.” How about the initial concerns and fears from the people? What about the traffic? One resident said a truck ran her off the road last year and said the same thing happened to one of her friends. “They’re crazy down there. Half of them don’t even know how to drive a truck.” What about garbage collection? Well, now that there is a new owner, they can accept regional garbage from everywhere! What about pollution? While being within state and federal guidelines for accepting hazardous waste, rainwater flows through 5.5 million cubic yards of waste before hitting a plastic bottom. The bottom is sloped so the water flows toward collection ponds where it then is hauled to a waste-water plant. Kenneth Cargill, chief engineer for Omni, says that with the two layers of liner, “you’re basically 100 percent sure that nothing gets through." Lee Martin, from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, says “Anything has the potential to leak." What does Fred Hawkins say? Mr. Hawkins said that for every acre of dump, one shot glass full of polluted water makes its way through the liner. Not exactly 100 percent huh? So much for listening to the people. Where’s the change? Oh but wait, there’s more.

Stay tuned for Part Three of our series of “Bought and Paid For: Political Sell Outs in Osceola County.”

Click here to read "Bought and Paid For: Political Sell Outs in Osceola County." - Part 1


Anonymous said...

Bill Lane, Paul Owens, Fred Hawkins. What's the difference?
NONE!!! Fred just thinks he's smoother than the rest of them.
Other than that no difference at all.

Anonymous said...

A regional dump? Who would have guessed it.

Anonymous said...

The ridiculous thing is that people think because they serve on a few boards and wait in line to be elected they are good for the job. How can Hawkins think he is a change from what they've got now in District 5 or any district for that matter. He's taken the same steps to being elected in Osceola County that everyone else has including Bill Lane.

Anonymous said...

A regional dump is exactly what this area has become. So much so that the idiots are talking about an Osceola County Central Park. What? Does that stink of tons more developments and waste? That would mean more money for Waste Services Inc. That seems to be a benefit to Fred and his company. Where exactly is the "Change"?

Anonymous said...

Are you claiming there was anything illegal in what Omni Waste or Fred Hawkins was doing? I sounds to me like the worked the system in their favor, but it does not sound like they have done anything illegal. Maybe you should look more at Bill Lane to see what is going on there.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, if Lane's campaing did not have ammunition before, you just gave it to them Wayne. Guess this one is going to be a battle royal!

Anonymous said...

don't forget that hawkins is on the education foundation and was one of the guys working with wolf and greet to get that preserve project built in st. cloud.

Anonymous said...

Hawkins is a liberal just like Lane. Spend! Spend! Spend!
Build! Build! Build!

Anonymous said...

Hawkins is a liberal just like Lane. Spend! Spend! Spend!
Build! Build! Build!

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the Gazette call these type of guys out too? He obviously has a history. How is what Hawkins is doing any different from what we have up there now? Just more of the same-only younger.

Anonymous said...

I am very involved in that district and I am sick and tired all across the board of what we have to choose from every election. Now the jokers are saying they will change it. How? Look at what they do already before they are elected. Thanks Wayne Who for really investigating these candidates, as opposed to the "reliable news" media we're stuck with here in Osceola County.

Anonymous said...

Where do these special interest pigs come from? Is there like some special interest breeding farm? Do they just train them from their youth to be mindless-spineless followers? I went to his website. Experienced leadership he says. Since when?

Anonymous said...

How can they be so stupid as to let them pile garbage to 330 feet? This is incompetence at its finest. They should have let them pile it up to 350 feet so the garbage pile would have the distinction of being the highest point in Florida. Think of the marketing for this newest tourist attraction. Where are our commissioners vision?