Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Osceola News-Gazette Responds

Dear Wayne Who:

Your criticism of the As I See It columns on our editorial page is off the mark. Yes, Bill Lane is running for reelection. Yes, he has had As I See It columns in the News-Gazette. He is a sitting commissioner, you know. However, between now and the election, Mr. Lane will no longer be given the space out of fairness to the other candidates.

You also should know that at the News-Gazette we have not held or failed to publish any comments in the form of a column or letters to the editor from other candidates, as you imply on your Web site. In November, we published a letter from county commission candidate Fred Hawkins supporting the supposed "right" to pray before Osceola County commission meetings, a very conservative position. If you remember, this liberal newspaper editorialized against opening those meetings with prayer. We stand by that editorial.

Also, no candidate – as far as we know – has complained that he or she has received unequal treatment at the hands of the News-Gazette.

As far as headline space, we have published profiles of candidates as they filed for office as time allowed. As the election nears, we will be comparing and contrasting candidates in the various races, including Bill Lane's race.

You should get your facts straight before you make accusations about "bias." Also, you can send us a letter to the editor, if you like. We publish virtually all letters regardless of the political bent unless they involve a personal attack on someone who isn't a public official.

Marvin G. Cortner
Osceola News-Gazette

Our Response:

Thank you for your response on behalf of the Osceola News-Gazette Mr. Cortner. The WayneWho staff looks forward to fairness being restored to your publication from this point until the election. We believe that a sense of fairness is important not only for the candidates, but for the general public as well. We appreciate your commitment in this area.

We would also like to thank you for the offer to publish our un-news articles in your publication, but we are quite content with our current readership and at this time we have no plans on being syndicated.

The WayneWho Staff


Anonymous said...

I'm quite surprised that an editor of a newspaper would label his/her publication either liberal or conservative. They're supposed to be fair and balanced, right? The Osceola News-Gazette is not what it used to be. The integrity is gone.

Anonymous said...

What the @$*!
Is he serious? He just validated everything Wayne Who said in their article. WW said it was unfair. He agreed with that point when he said Lane can't write any more articles "out of fairness" to the other candidates. And then he goes on to say that when it comes to religious freedoms the Gazette takes liberal positions. Also, WW said they did publish letters for other candidates but didn't give them headline space like they did for Lane. Cortner agreed with Wayne Who. Thank you Wayne Who for again holding the status quo accountable.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Marvin's letter is questionable. I believe that serveral candidate who have run for office the are not considered 'establishment' candidates have complained about the lack of coverage or negative coverage given by the Gazette. They have also complained that 'establishment' candidates are never questioned on their facts or platforms while other candidates are forced to show well laid on plans. I guess 'fair' is a relative term.

Anonymous said...

I think that Kissimmee Puppet Commission Theatre should be syndicated programming. That means your staff needs to put out 50 episodes this year with maybe a holiday special or two.

I would settle for 25 episodes.

Anonymous said...

Hawkins is not conservative. He is clueless.

Anonymous said...

Clueless in St. Cloud = HAWKINS.
All he does is suck up to people.
All show.

Anonymous said...

I think they are just upset you are stealing their readers. They don't have many anyway.

Anonymous said...

As a past county commisson canidate, I was greatly disappointed with the News Gazette's lack of fairness during the campaingn process. I had submitted several letters to the editor following their guidelines resulting with none being published. I found it interesting that other canidates (who later received the Gazette's endorsement) had their letters printed. I was very disappointed with the News Gazette's preceived appathey to motivate or encourage county voters to cast their votes. Instead the election day headline only eluded to the St. Cloud vote taking place that day.The News Gazette has certainly lost much credibility with this citizen of Kissimmee.

Anonymous said...

As a former candidate and as always an opinioned citizen, I have never had a letter refused as long as its content wasn't slanderous or downright aggressive. I am concerned that Marvin would state his paper is liberal, because I know Marvin and he is a fair, balanced guy in his thinking and reporting. I have a feeling that this did not come from Marvin, but its just a feeling.

Anonymous said...

In my experience as a candidate, the Gazette did publish the one letter that I sent in, however it is true what the person above commented that if you are not an establishment candidate, your platform is picked apart. It seems that establishment candidates simply need to give a good slap on the back and ensure that they still have their contact list to keep the ONG from crossing them. In case Mr. Cortner hasn't heard the term before, it is called Investigative Reporting. Regardless, with the declining readership of the ONG as well as all papers, I guess that non-establishment candidates shouldn't be too concerned.

Anonymous said...


You love the Gazette because the print you letter even when you live in California. I think you also have a hard time recognizing liberal when you yourself are liberal, hence California. Maybe the will let your write the 'As I See It' posts from now on..