Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Public Input

An interesting thing happened at the Kissimmee City Commission Meeting last night. (It is almost like a punchline on its own.) In the middle of a serious debate on how our community was going to fund some of our most critical social services programs with a reduced amount of funds from last years perspective, all public comment was blocked by the commission. The public was kept from voicing opinions, concerns, or even support because Mayor Swan and the rest of the commission firmly believe that the money in city coffers is theirs to do with as they please. As citizens, we are not allowed to give our input on where "our" tax money is spent, at least not under the current administration.

The issue of whether or not to allow public input, it seems, depends on where items are placed on the agenda that commissioners use to approve staff recommendations. This item was listed under the section called "Discussion Items" (a deceptive title indeed) which this commission believes means that it may or may not accept public input when it falls on this part of their checklist. The rules are different from week to week, and it depends on if you are one the people who are commission friendly as to whether you are going to be allowed to speak or not. Last night, this critical item happened to fall out of the realm of public input.

If the public were allowed to express what they would like to see done with their money, or what goals they would like achieved with it, there might have been less fighting between the commissioners. It was a sad spectacle to watch. The public at least might have backed up Commissioner Irizzary's argument that the H.O.M.E project, which serves the most limited number of citizens of the city of any program that was reviewed, should not continue to receive money to pay for its administrative staff that was only supposed to be funded for one year. That was the agreement made during the budget workshops last year when the H.O.M.E project received funding it should not have. That deal went out the window at the meeting last night, and of course the public could not comment on it. The public might have also asked what the money would be used for, and for reports to be given on any success or failures in relationship to the funding. The public may have also asked for documentation on the services the commission was looking at funding to verify that, in these changing times, were still relevant. Of course, as the Mayor explained, that was the old way of doing business, and we are not doing it that way anymore.

An interesting side note to this is that the Fire Fee Rate was set last night under a discussion item. Presumably this is because of the new ordinance that was passed last night that expedites the fee creation process. Again last night the commission spoke of how the public would still have input on the issues of fees, but if they are going to be put under discussion items, then, as we pointed out, the public can and will be cut out of the discussion. If it can be done on how the commission spends our money, then it can be done on how they tax the community as well.

The "Social Service Funding" item ended with Commissioner Irizarry and Commissioner Gemskie back-talking each other like a couple of kids who just lost their recess privileges. Commissioner Gemskie who gave very little input on how public funds were going to be spent was quick to attack Commissioner Irizarry when he argued against funding for the H.O.M.E project of which Mr. Gemskie has represented in the past. At least this point in the meeting gave us an insight into the upcoming cage match that will be Pay-Per-Viewed on Access Osceola this summer, but as far as establishing faith in our leadership, nothing has changed.


Anonymous said...

With as much money as Paul Owen is able to get out of companies for the homeless shelter HOME, I am not sure why they need any more money.

Anonymous said...

As a past member of the funding panel I was sad to see the meeting last night. We worked so hard to create a fair system even with small budget amounts, but this commission has ruined the whole process. There is no end to how low this commission will sink.

Anonymous said...

As a past member of the funding panel I was sad to see the meeting last night. We worked so hard to create a fair system even with small budget amounts, but this commission has ruined the whole process. There is no end to how low this commission will sink.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Mayor did not want Gene to speak because he was not sure what he was going to say. The Mayor tried to rail road the entire course of the meeting and Gene's comments could have really thrown the commission for a loop. Since Gene has been on the funding panels he has a much better knowledge of what is needed than almost all of the commissioners.

We need to applaud Carlos and Cheryl for fighting back and not letting the Mayor and his silent parnters Jerry and Jeanne mess up another meeting.

Anonymous said...

Carlos I. is the best commissioner we have ever had.

Anonymous said...

Carlos may very well be the best "current" commisioner, but he is certainly not the best "ever". That nod would probably go to Linda Goodwin.

Anonymous said...

I hope Carlos runs for Mayor in 4 years.

Anonymous said...

are you forgwtting steve burke?