Friday, February 13, 2009

A Rose By Any Other Name

A rose by any other name may still smell as sweet, but that rule also goes for horse dung and it is horse dung that the city and county have been serving. The problem, it seems, is that in tough economic time it is harder to be an elected official because you have to be able to do more than just sound smart. An elected official actually has to know what they are talking about on an issue.

This point was driven home at the Kissimmee City Commission Meeting this past week when, to the shock of many, they decided to approve a school for troubled teens in the middle of the CRA (near the downtown, but not in it). While the WayneWho staff feels that in this case the commission did its due diligence in discussing and debating this issue before it was decided, we are more concerned with the policy shifts that developed during the discussion. Is it now the policy of the Kissimmee City Commission to ignore the CRA master plan just to make sure commercial buildings have tenants? Are we looking for quantity of occupancy or quality? If this is the case then what kind of new establishments can we expect to spring up in the downtown?

There also seemed to be an idea brewing on the Commission that this school would be economic development. Unlike the RNC Chairman, we would agree that in bad economic times like these pretty much any job that leaves some level of human dignity intact is good, concepts in economic development go much deeper than just slapping the 'ED' logo on the side and claiming victory. While we applaud the job creation, we question the idea how the 'business' of a school for troubled teens will help the surrounding businesses on the whole. Economic Development is not a single victory mentality. Economic Development is a about a web of interconnected businesses that intersect to expand the stength of all of the businesses.

The simple question is, "Would you put a school for trouble teens in the middle of the LOOP?" While we know that the LOOP already looks like a school for troubled teens, the owners of the property would cry foul if you tried to put one in their property even if you tried to call it Economic Development.

The other stinking concept that was brought up this week by the County Commission was in developing a 'Green' policy, much like the one in Lake County. While we think 'Going Green' is a great and important step, the problem again is that you are just slapping a green name on something that can be pointed at for re-election. A true 'Green Policy' is more than building standards. It is more than 'suggesting' to developers who have already strip-mined our land, that they should start building quality homes that are energy efficient. A 'Green Policy' is not only about building more homes. While that is part of the policy, it has much more to do with long term and large scale water reclaimation, energy production and conservation, and the expansion of natural habitats. Natural habitats are not created with bulldozers.

Again while we are glad that the County Commission debated the issue, we believe they need to expand the arguments to a much larger level. We were also very discouraged by Commissioner 'Be My Valentine' Arrington's argument that "We need to demand a better product from our community." This community of residents has fought very hard to make this a better community and demanding more from them is arrogant and wrong. The Osceola County community is one we are proud of and that we have witnessed time and time again step up their efforts to make this a better community despite the efforts of government to make things worse. While Commissioners such as Ken Smith have railed against the public for their ability to discipline their children, it is these same parents that are the ones who step forward to make sure our communities' children are taken care of. Mr. Arrington, this community is demanding more of its government and if you are going to make any demands, make them of yourself.


Anonymous said...

This is just the beginning for Osceola. If people would have listened to his so called platform during his run for the Commission, they would have known that he would be another VanMeter type of Commissioner. We need to see what happens between now and 2012.

Anonymous said...

You guys talk about troubled teenagers as if they rats. I am happy that the city commission is working to get tenants in the area. You talk about "quality" not "quantity" sounding very elitist. I however don't like seeing so many vacant buildings with windows broken, and feral cats and homeless people occupying. In these economic times "new leases" aren't an easy acquisition. I'm ecstatic that the city is getting creative with making necessary changes to get tenants to the area.
The county going green does sound like quality, but then you go on to bash that as well. My understanding is that they are in the preliminary TALKING stages. I assume (even though I know what happens when you assume) that they will explore large scale water reclaimation, energy production and conservation, and the expansion of natural habitats.
I really wish whoiswayne would be a little more positive. Or at least when you are critizing ideas or actions you would come up with an alternate idea. A great idea will spread and come into fruition. You could use this blog for a positive change instead of just complaining.

Anonymous said...

If you do not complain then TPTB will think everything is copacetic when it is not. Complaining is positive change.

Keep complaining Wayne Who!

Anonymous said...

Is it too late to ask neighborhood businesses what they think? Ask Don and Mary Mitkess at the motel across the street. They have enough problems with transients, prostitutes and druggies including the pool hall down the street. Now they get a school for troubled youth? Gueaa what happens to property values.

Anonymous said...

Complaining is more of the same & doesn't contribute to the RESOLUTION of problems. Throw out an idea, or try and make a difference, tell how you would do it differently!

Anonymous said...

To the 'anonymous' groups attacking waynewho for their articles: I have to wonder what the heck you are thinking? I have read this blog for quite some time after being turned on to it by a friend who was having a problem with Jay Wheeler. While this blog tends to sound negative, it is usually the most on-point source for information in our area. They are also probably one of the best sources for real ideas that seem to find their way into our daily lives. I have found it interesting that the waynewho people come up with an idea and a month or two later I read about that idea in the local news. (Leads me to think waynewho is staff at one of these places?)

The other comment I would have is that this article does not directly attack the commission. When I first read it, my thoughts were that waynewho was drinking the kool-aide because they were too nice to the commission on this problem. I guess this just shows that people have their own ideas about what they are reading.

Thank you waynewho for your contributions to our community! Keep doing what you are doing.

Anonymous said...

Complaining is all the rebulicans are doing, so it must be ok. No ideas, just whining.

Anonymous said...

Come on, WayneWho has written some great articles of serious importance like, 'Mr. Nice for Mayor' which was about a large puppet that ran for mayor in Duluth, Minnesota. They also came up with the idea way back in 2007 about converting City Hall into a Butterball Turkey Hotline facility. Maybe you should give these writers some credit for at least trying.

And as far as the 'Go Green' junk, they are right again. The only discussions that have come up with about 'green' policiy is about how it will help to restart the housing marketing. They are just trying to find another way to sell Florida swamp land.

Anonymous said...

maybe if the mitkesses (or anyone else for that matter) had shown up to complain at planning board or commission things would be different

Anonymous said...

I just find it interesting that the person saying you are calling troubled teenagers 'rats' thinks that the downtown should take cares of them when the school system refuses to do it.

Anonymous said...

WayneWho is right on this one. If they are going to lower their standards for what can come into downtown for the sake of economic development, then how long will it be before we have strip clubs in downtown. We already have bars and tatoo shops.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, bring the strip clubs! If they offer a discount lunch buffet, JG will be there.

Anonymous said...

I agree. We need strip clubs in downtown Kissimmee. They would provide jobs for our citizens and we could probably give Orlando a run for their money. At least we will have a fountain.