Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Like an Old Joke

We miss the grand days when Johnny Carson ruled the Tonight Show and used a bit where he would make a statement about a generic issue, like about how 'hot' the temperature was, and the audience would instantly respond with 'How Hot Is It?' To which Johnny would come up with a funny joke about the heat and we would all laugh. The joke might be something like, "It’s so hot that I swear I just saw two fire hydrants fighting over a dog." Usually the late night host would have come up with something better than our simple attempt at late night comedy, but the WayneWho staff was kinda-sorta in the mood for this style of joke after hearing some of the news coming out of Osceola County over the past couple of weeks.

It seems that Osceola County is in bad financial shape. (This is the point where you, the audience, should be saying to your computer screen "How bad is it?") It is so bad that we saw the income level of the County now qualifies the government to receive food stamps. Wait for it. Still not funny. How about, It is so bad that a long time, high paid county administrator resigned saying the county needs his salary to stay afloat. Wait for it. Yep, not funny just scary.

What we find even more scary about the fiscally prompted resignation is that there has been no response from the elected leadership to tell us whether or not our economic situation hangs on the edge of one salaried employee or if the resignation was based on mutual incompetence? And if things have gotten this bad, why did an audit just say everything was peachy? Very mixed message if you ask us. Maybe someone should start explaining.

One more try. The financial situation of the County is so bad that the new city of Destiny is changing from green construction to cardboard construction to meet the needs of future Osceola County residents. OK. Johnny Carson will always be the king of this late night bit. We will stick to un-news.


Anonymous said...

The County is broke.

How broke is it?

The Count is so broke that it went to Wendy’s and put a Frosty on layaway.

Anonymous said...

The County is broke.

How broke is it?

The County is so broke that it will be featured in the next commercial with Ed McMahon and MC Hammer.

FunnyMan said...

It is bad in Osceola County.

How bad is it?

Its so bad in Osceola that if you buy a TOASTER, the homebuilders will throw in a NEW HOME.

Anonymous said...

The county is so poor.

How poor is it?

The county is so poor they had to turn in their laptops for Etch-A-Sketches.