Thursday, April 5, 2007

Conspiracy Theory? You might need the hat...

On the Internet, you know you've arrived when the conspiracy theories and rambling manifestos start showing up in the Comments section. Our blog is a "benevolent dictatorship" when it comes to comments... we'll post the good and the bad, but not the rambling and pointless. Dear blog reader, we value your time too much to post rambling musings that set off that "I've heard this somewhere before" signal in the back of our head. Think someone has been repressing you for years, or want to talk about a non-event in the past? You can find instructions on starting your own blog at

In the meantime, if you feel the black helicopters are still hovering over your house (we were assured that they were cut from the budget this year), you may want to consider protecting yourself with appropriate headgear...


Anonymous said...

i own a tin hat, and i have to say they really do work, i have not had any mind invasions or attacks since october 22 of '03! at first i was looking everywhere for one to buy, to make sure i got the best quality, but a friend from my UFO spotting club taught me i could make my own. they are quite remarkable. we have a motto,
ALIENS BEWARE... WE KNOW YOUR THERE! thanx for putting this post out, we need the publicity! ALIENS WILL NOT RULE US!!!
-your tin hat buddy

Anonymous said...

Buy your own tin foil beanie kit at