Monday, April 2, 2007

Those who live in glass houses

On another blog, a local activist takes School Board member Jay Wheeler to task for a comment he made in his newsletter about a relationship between Armando Ramirez and Doug Guetzloe. Mr. Wheeler is a big boy and can defend his comments if he chooses to do so. We would note, however, that 10 days prior, the same activist, in the same blog, wrote “Armando? Oh my God! The weakly skilled office holder wannabe, made it. Scary. Instead of a viable, intelligent candidate, we decide it will be a man that falls asleep in church and cannot fathom a budget of 700 million + dollars.”

Apparently, in today’s world, being reported as sitting at the same table with Doug Guetzloe is a worse offense than having your intelligence questioned by people who monitor your churchgoing activities.

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