Thursday, April 19, 2007

Refreshing Redevelopment

In a time of strained budgets and frayed nerves, many ideas are being floated for ways that local government can reduce costs.

We note that the Kissimmee CRA has purchased a historic home in the Downtown area, and continues trying to raise funds in order to refurbish the home and convert it into CRA office space. The current CRA building is slated to be removed during the lakefront revitalization project.

We suggest that the city and the CRA consider moving the CRA into the offices vacated by Former State Representative John Quinones. This frees up the current CRA property to allow the lakefront plans to continue, gives the CRA access to the city's phone system, network, and other city departments, and lets the CRA redevelop the historic home to community standards as project funds allow, and then the home can be resold and remain on the tax rolls (assuming we still have a property tax by the time that happens).

If this cost saving plan is not worthy of discussion, we would also like to suggest turning those same offices into a Food Court as a revenue-generating measure. This would serve multiple purposes and would make the lives of local activists more convenient as they scour city hall for nuggets of random wisdom.

Orange Julius anyone?

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