Friday, April 6, 2007

Sweeps Week on Access Osceola?

In an ongoing ratings battle, a live broadcast of the Kissimmee City Commission meeting added a new attention grabbing weapon to its arsenal. Sound Effects. As the commission was discussing raising impact fees and other possible ways to charge the citizens more money, the sound of a flushing toilet echoed through the TV. Was this an effort to add humor to the meeting to get more residents watching, or was this a warning to the residents of what was about to happen to their hard earned money? I guess we will have to tune in next week to see what new sound effects have been downloaded from the Internet.

Some local activists and elected officials believe that the highest priority facing our city is redecorating City Hall and making sure our elected officials are rewarded with nicer cribs. That might make for a cool new series on Access Osceola, Cribs of the Elected or Pimp My City Hall, but it probably does not make for better government. (FLUSH)


D said...

Nicer cribs? No. It was to show the public and the State Atty General, that Kissimmee is compliant with the Sunshine law. As you stated previously and KSIB.NET agrees, that commissioners have only to pick up the phone or meet for lunch out of the city to discuss their plans on an issue. What should happen is make the "appearance" that the city is complying with state law. Other cities and counties do it and the ones that didn't ended up in court. I may not be correct, but I believe they all lost.

Anonymous said...

Not sure where you're getting your information, but I work for the City of Kissimmee. Let me clear up a few things for you:

1. Access Osceola does not subscribe to a ratings service and is thus not in the running for any "sweeps week," which incidentally isn't in April anyway. National sweeps, which government and access channels don't participate in, are in February, May, July and November.

2. Commission meeting are aired live and the only audio capable of being transmitted comes right from the microphones in the chamber. No sound effects are or can be added.

3. There is no do-it-yourself show in pre-production, production or post-production. As such, there's no "launch date" for such a show. Whatever it is you're referring to was not shot by Access Osceola.

Feel free to post your opinions and state you thoughts on city matters, but get the information right.