Saturday, September 1, 2007

The DUH Factor...

The Osceola News Gazette reported in Thursdays edition that Bill Furth, an economist, believed that for Osceola County to stay economically healthy over the long-term, we needed to diversify from tourism based jobs and promote industrial growth. "Tourism is good," Furth said, "but too much of anything isn't good. Diversification is something this area has to do."


We know that local officials and the economic development department have had a tough time understanding the statement above that pretty much every high school kid working to move out of the area already understands, Osceola county sucks for jobs. If you want to make good money you need to get an education and then move out of the area. Of course the bedroom community theory of Osceola county has been touted for years as the most sensible plan, but time has proven this theory worth as much as a United Cities Dollar - worthless.

The Chamber of Commerce did offer that their county has worked hard to develop an economic plan and improve its low wages during the past several years.... Yes.. Stop laughing... they just admitted that they developed a plan to get us where we are... Stop laughing...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is there a way to vote the Booze Gazette out of Osceola County? First that article on jobs lost in Osceola County made me puke! And how about our Economic Development Director being quoted as saying " There is a silver lining to having a higher number of available (which translates to unemployed) workers in Osceola County". Tell that to the low wage employees that had a hard enough time making ends meet that weren't high paid executives with nice severance packages. Is she insane? The County needs to look at whether or not she needs to join those that are unemployed. For her to insinuate that her failing numbers are solely based on the drop in the housing market is asinine. Her job is to bring "self sustaining" businesses that are not based on fluctuating markets and lets be real here, the real estate market is a gamble and would be here with or without her. I can understand if she was solely responsible for the housing boom some two or three years ago but to stand there now and blame our unemployment rate on that is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. In fact I think the county should let her go and hire that economist that recommended the County purchase 500 acres which in turn will "potentially" bring close to 10,000 jobs to Osceola County. This might work but you need someone with true vision and someone who is a go getter. Not someone who stands in front of the Commissioners nodding her head in approval of everything that comes out of their mouth. It is a shame that the County Manager did not have a true understanding of what he was getting into and how some employees were made off limits by at the time the Acting County Manager and some of the Commissioners. Mark my words that some project will come along where the County will purchase 500 acres by following this recommendation and our head nodding Director of Economic Development will step in and take credit or can you say "Economic Consultant" will come on-board who will make recommendations that our Director will follow and our Commissioners will celebrate and create a holiday for her. Okay I think just about done dry heaving on this issue.