Saturday, September 29, 2007

Kid Nation: Settling In

In this week's episode of Kid Nation, the newness has worn off and the kids don't face as many surprises about their environment. What did we learn?

The Town Council receives a weekly playbook with clues on how to survive (perhaps a frontier version of a blog?)

When the kids had to do something distasteful (slaughter chickens), even those that protested had to come watch out of curiosity.

When the teams do not complete their assigned tasks within the challenge time limit, they are denied both the infrastructure improvements (better water pumps) as well as the water slide for the center of town.

Those who wanted to succeed press on past leaders who aren't willing to put forth effort.

One Council member states: "Every Town Council meeting has a lot of cheering or a lot of yelling."

The town citizens disapprove when a Council member uses a recurring excuse for why her team cannot perform their assigned jobs.

Finally, we learned that when we forget to set our VCRs, we can watch the show on the Internet, but it's not quite the same viewing experience.

Next week: the gloves come off as one town member tries to win the coveted $20,000 gold star.


Anonymous said...

What's a VCR?

Anonymous said...

Is that a waterslide in the center of town, or a fountain??? Just wondering.

And as far as council members not putting forth the needed effort, I guess they do not have staff to get all of the work done for them.