Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Complaint letter

Charlie Crist, Governor
Ken Pruitt, Senate President
Marco Rubio, Speaker of the House

Dear Charlie, Ken, and Marco:

My local elected officials asked me to write to you. They tell me that you are responsible for all of the bad things going on in Florida, and that you are preventing them from fixing the bad things, and ask that you stop that. Apparently everything would be fine if you would stop exercising total control and let the local officials do what they want to do, but because you act like a "big brother," our local officials are paralyzed with fear.

To help our local officials regain some of their lost self-esteem, I would also ask that you:
1. Stop writing "State government rules" in the bathrooms in Tallahassee.
2. Stop using mind meld techniques at local meet-and-greets to make local officials conform to your will and cluck like chickens on command.
3. Speak in soothing, positive tones when you suggest that government budgets need to be cut.

With your cooperation, I just know that our local elected officials will regain their composure and roll out their top-secret plan they have to solve all of our area's problems.

Thank you for your time,

A concerned citizen

PS. I have been asked to let you know that if you won't comply, I will have to resort to calling your mother a poopy-head.


Anonymous said...

You knew they were just going to pass the fire fee. Just blame it on the state and tell the residents they don't understand how hard it is to run government. No real suprise there.

Anonymous said...

Just to let people know it was a 5-0 vote. Watching the city commission meeting on tv, the only one that actually showed any kind of interest prior to the vote was Carlos Irrizary. Cheryl tried to show how intelligent she is by trying to convince people that they were really getting a tax cut.
Van Meter just sat there like a lump on a log as usual and said absolutely nothing. You might just want to put a blow up doll there in her place next meeting and you just might wind up with a more intelligent commissioner.

Anonymous said...

Hey, that blow up doll is running for a county seat!