Wednesday, August 6, 2008


The political mailer wars have begun which means that political season is in full swing. As voters, we usually do not pay attention to campaign mailers because the messages they contain can put even our brand of un-news to shame. But with the local media not capable of covering the elections, except for the ads they are happy to get paid to print, mailers are sometimes all we see of our local candidates. Many times, trying to track down a candidate phone number that actually works or is answered by a candidate is as tough as finding the lids to plastic food containers after you run them through the dishwasher. The lids, like the candidates, can never be found.

Again, we emphasize that mailers are not the best judge of any candidate running for office. They are usually filled with tabloid-esque fairy tales that do little to explain a candidate's understanding of the issues. A good example is a mailer sent out by Mayor Jim Swan of the City of Kissimmee who is seeking re-election. On his mailer he proudly states that "While Mayor of the City of Kissimmee, we have worked diligently to reduce the financial burden on home owners," which is only true because the the State of Florida and the voters forced the local governments to cut property taxes. The city, including the Mayor was a vocal opponent of the tax cuts, and wasted meeting after meeting explaining why the voters should vote against Amendment 1. We guess when you claim that you have "Honesty and Integrity," no one will notice when you stretch the truth a little.

Another piece we got our hands on was a mailer from County Commissioner Bill Lane who is also running for re-election in the District 5 race. His piece is great because it drives home the point of prayer at public meetings and how he believes so strongly in it. The piece is great because it is being used to cover up a flip-flop on this issue once held by Mr. Lane. This is not his first flip-flop of course. He flip-flopped on the necessity for the "Preserve" project that originally he supported and then was against. We assume that we will see a mailer defining his position on this issue as well, and we will hope that this one will look a little nicer.

The newest mailer in the mailer wars that we have seen come out is one by Thomas Chalifoux who is trying to run for State Representative in District 79. Thomas Chalifoux has ended up in a real mess of a situation by not making sure he did everything possible to comply with a vague law that describes when a sitting candidate has to resign before they can attempt to run for another seat. Rumor has it that Mike Horner helped someone file a lawsuit against Mr. Chalifoux to stop him from being able to run. The WayneWho staff believes that if Mr. Chalifoux has broken the law, even if it is a horribly vague law, he should not run. If Mr. Horner happens to be the one to catch the mess-up, then so be it, he should not take flack for pointing out a law that is on the books. What we find sad is that Mr. Horner does not have the political will to stand up on his own and point out the issues and instead has decided to hide behind someone else for fear of his campaign being derailed. If he is going to hide on an issue like this, then we have to wonder what he will do when his friend Randy Johnson comes in and tries to bully his way around to suck our county dry for his beloved "Destiny" housing project. Will he go hide when tough decisions need to be made?

Regardless of all that, we think the mailer that is being sent out by Thomas Chalifoux is great. As you can see it has a picture of Mike Horner and it has a picture of a chicken. No one can miss that symbolism now can they? We also like the fact that he points out that Mr. Horner was once a democrat but has changed parties to run for office? Seems like there is a lot of that going around these days. Maybe the Democrats just need to change their name to the "Formerly Republican Party."


Anonymous said...

It looks like Mikes's campaign has hit a snag. He has been using his influence as the president of the chamber to gather money and get signs out, but many he does not seem to have a strong following with voters who are not affiliated with the chamber. I guess if he can send a bunch of mailers out to counter ones like this he might be able to win, but from what my neighbors are saying, it is the year you vote against the candidate with the most signs, and the most money!

Anonymous said...

Horner is a chicken. He has backed out of this same race several times and now he is trying to clear the way so he does not have to run for real.

GRAFFIX said...

Again, you have written a well thought out piece that points out the many discrepancies in ALL mailers. It is indeed rare when a candidate can just publish the truth and expect anything other than a yawn. Thanks for tackling anissue that occurs in every state, especially confusion.

Anonymous said...

Mikey can say all he wants that he had nothing to do with this lawsuit against Chalifox. But it can be directly traced back to a member of the Education Foundation who is Horner's buddy.

Anonymous said...

Little Mike Horner was just a bench warmer, a dem with a capital D.
But when he hitched his star and switched to an R, He said "I'm the chicken speaker to be."

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I always wondered why at all those chamber dinners they served chicken. Now I know.

Anonymous said...

Little Mike Horner sat in the corner looking extremely sad. Paid off a friend to get Chalifoux mad, so he could steal the elcetion that he thought he had.
Cluck, cluck loser.

Anonymous said...

I don't even know who the Democrat is but he gets my vote. If Horner can't win an election without the courts, I do not want him to represent me.

Anonymous said...

How can Swan be saying 'Honesty and Integrity' when everyone knows about him going behind the commission and the taxpayers back to get money from KUA? Does that not ring a bell with anyone?

Anonymous said...

I have some renewed faith in the American justice system. It proves the little guy can go up against a millionaire and win.

Anonymous said...

Horner needs to go away. I'm so sick and tired of lawsuits. Why is it that he can't run in a race with a little competition. Why does he think that this seat is owed to him? Work for it Horner just like everyone else works for their political seats. It looks like Frank Perdue is going to be looking for you. I will never vote for Horner. As a Republican this will be the first time I will vote for a Democrat.
As far as I'm concerned you are a big disgrace to Osceola County and the Republican party.

Anonymous said...

That is a great mailer. I wish I lived in 79 so I could get a copy of that one! Thanks for sharing WayneWho!

Anonymous said...

Destiny, the town that special interest built. Brought to you by the special interests are people too wing of the republican party or the republicans pretending to be democrats so they can try to get elected party,

Anonymous said...

Could Chalifoux be more of a hypocrite? The guy ran for County Commission three times as a Democrat and is a past member of the Democratic Executive Committee. And talk about desperate for public office. He has run for office now 8 times and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of his personal fortune to get in office.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
That is a great mailer. I wish I lived in 79 so I could get a copy of that one! Thanks for sharing WayneWho!

I agree. To me the worse thing about having single member districts is that I don't get all the mail.

I have an idea that I want to run by everyone and Wayne Who. Why don't you start publishing all the mail pieces on your blog. We could scan them and email them to you. That way you would be performing a public service to dissect the mailers and we would get to see what is happening outside our district.

This was a great piece.

Anonymous said...

Horner shouldn't be a disgrace to the Republican Party. He is a Democrat. He is Buddy's Boy. And that is what you will see in Osceola County. Buddy Dyer politics. I don't know why the Republican Party takes all the failed Democrats. Horner has opposed Republicans in the past and now he is one? The Republican Party should be ashamed that they are supporting a Democrat. Mike has supported every tax increase Osceola County has ever had.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about Horner being a previous failed Democrat. The facts re that Chalifoux did not run for County Commisioner as Democrat, but as a Republican.
Oh by the way, Thomas would have never supported the tax hikes that Mikey has.

Anonymous said...

The mailer of the Chalifoux campaign is true genius. A master of facts and criticisms, that brings a comedic twist to politics.

Anonymous said...

Chalifoux ran 3 times as a Dem. Once against Bass and twice against Swan. He switched to Republican and ran against Arrington twice. He lost all of those races. Chalifoux also supported the Sales Tax extension and Sales Tax increase for Schools.

Anonymous said...

I got mine in the mail today. This has got to be the best mailer I have ever seen in Osceola. Horner even looks like a chicken.