Thursday, August 28, 2008


The WayneWho staff would like to thank the Osceola News-Gazette for finally showing that it does have a pulse and the ability to write an editorial piece that speaks truth to the typical style of "Ax The Tax" politics that have been practiced in this county for too long. Mr. Chalifoux's last mailer which was produced by Guetzloe’s taxivist Ax the Tax Political Club which attacked the people who did what we teach are children to do, follow the law, was ridiculous. We are glad to see that the Gazette decided to call out candidates practicing these kinds of politics and we hope that this is a trend that will continue. It is easy to spread untruthful information with political mailers if no one is going to push back and say, the stuff in your mailer is just not true.

It is not only these type of tactics, but this type of governing that we believe just got its comeuppance during this primary season. Not only were long time incumbents shown the door, but so were candidates that spent more time attacking false issues than honestly answering questions from the community. Many of the underdog candidates that have run time and time and time again were shut down by the electorate because of the the lack of substance in their campaigns. Empty promises on what plans and ideas candidates are calling for no longer have a place in our community. If you are promising to bring jobs to our community, explain how you are going to do it. If you are committed to public safety and law enforcement, explain what you mean? Does that mean more funding or less time spent hassling the unions? The residents of Osceola County have clearly stated that they want honest answers from those seeking to serve and we are glad to finally hear it.

We hope that during the next couple of months that the candidates who have now made it through the first stage of the democratic process take the time to explain their ideas for our community. Showing contrasts in ideas with opponents is acceptable, but candidates need to develop their own campaigns before they begin the inevitable attacks. The residents are hungry for ideas from their government on what will help them. Give them the answers you believe will help, or face a knock-out punch at the ballot box on November the 4th.


Anonymous said...

Good article, but you know that this is not what is going to happen. It will be the same things we have heard for years, economy, jobs, traffic, and smart growth policies. Then when they get elected.... nothing.

Anonymous said...

And you explain the voter's going for new faces but putting in McKinnon in a race with Arrington. Is that not a lose-lose situation? Is McKinnons conviction, a misdemeanor for Sunshine violations, allowed in Osceola county?

Anonymous said...

Everybody just needs to move on with the election. In recent years it has been a trend that the candidate who supposedly benefits from the negative campaigning loses. Most voters are now more savvy and simply reject negatives.

Anonymous said...

Maybe now Mr. Chalifoux will take his millions and just go away. Please do not run for school board again. Please don't run for any elected position.

You have done nothing for our children. Your rantings and playing the blame game is exactly what you did while on the school board.

We will replace the rest of the old school board members. That means you Wheeler, McKay and Stone. No more blaming everyone else. No more demanding. No more excuses.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but all RFepublicans need to look at voting for Arrington.
McKinnon is not the person we need for our County.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice to see the Kissimmee City Commission go to a party line vote. They are the only governing board I know of that does not do this. To elect City Commissioners with such a small voter turnout is terrible. They should vote by party in the primary and then the two that win the primary run in the general election. That way a higher amount of the citizens will have more of a say.

Anonymous said...

All local elected officials should be non-partisan. Why is it necessary? They don't make decisions that involve the "party" differences such as abortion, gay marriage, or immigration. We should all vote for the individual not the party affiliation. And yes District 3 should look at Brandon instead of Wendell in November

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with the nonpartisan race as long as you handle it right. The best way (and maybe we can start a petition drive)is to have a general primary in August with everyone on the ballot. The top two people go the November ballot, even if one has over 50% of the primary vote. If there are only 2 people on the ballot, it automatically goes to November. This way you would assure that most voters will get to vote. The good old boys have been playing around with this for years to make sure the least number of people vote. We need to stand up and take our city back!

Anonymous said...

Forget the primaries, runoffs, majority votes, and so on. The goal should be to get the most city voters to vote in the election that decides their representatives. The way for that to happen is a simple plurality (winner takes all) vote on the national election date in November.

Anonymous said...

That would be fine, too. You can do it either way depending upon if you want a majority or a plurality. I favor a change to the charter to go back the way it used to be. Elect with a plurality in November.