Tuesday, August 5, 2008


The cracks are beginning to appear. Every election cycle brings them out because politics is a full contact sport. What surprises us this year is not as much the fractures that are beginning to appear in individual campaigns, but in the larger organized parties that are supposed to represent Republicans and Democrats.

While we were enjoying some needed rest, the local Ronald Reagan Republican Club released a list of endorsements before the Republican candidates have had a chance to narrow the field during the Republican Primary. Is the because Art Otero, who has been a long standing Ronald Reagan Republican Club member is looking for a public boost? We have heard from other long time Republican committee members that they are upset that these endorsements went out because this has caused the other Republicans in the race to become very upset with their own party and has only heightened the infighting in the club. The endorsements did give an indication that the Republicans are not looking favorably at incumbent candidates this year. Bill Lane did not get the nod, and as far as we can tell is not getting much support from the rest of his party.

Our real problem with the endorsements made by the Republican party are that they made endorsements in Non-Partisan races. City races are not supposed to be controlled or influenced by parties, but once again a party has stepped in to try to change the outcome of the race. This is probably the best reason that city races should be party affiliated races so those in parties with less ethical standards have less control. Of course this was something that the Kissimmee City Commission refused to even discuss during the charter review banter, which is interesting because all but one of the sitting commissioners is a Republican.

The Democrats have their own dilemmas even if they are working to keep them out of the spotlight. While the Democrats are doing their best to stay out of the limelight before their primary contest, the invasion of Republicans into the mist has upset many in the party. The District 5 race on the Democrat side has Byron Hennecy and Chuck Dunnick who both switched to the Democrat Party to run. While some of the party faithful were concerned that Jonathan Harrell lacked the ability to put together a winning campaign, e-mails to us show that they have have been impressed with his campaign over the past several months. It has been reported to us that both Republican and Democrat party members were shocked by the "August Surprise" the Harrell campaign produced this past week with a website that is complete with videos of the candidate explaining his positions. After its publication of the website on another blog, the e-mails started to pour in and it seems it has led many to believe that Harrell has a lock on the race which has upset others in the race.

We have no idea about who will win, but all the bickering has left us a little annoyed that once again background politics have taken over and ideas on what will help Osceola County are not being discussed. There have been many loose campaign promises made besides the old "Leadership and Experience" line that we would like to hear more about, but it seems that once again we are going to have to put up with campaigns that focus on crying about what others on doing instead of putting the focus on their own campaigns for not being able to close the deal and win the election.


Anonymous said...

I think the democrates are running the chuck Chuck campaign.

Anonymous said...

You did mean the Rino Reagan Republican Club didn't you?

Anonymous said...

Chuck DUNNICK is affraid people will remember his past record if he makes his last name to big.

How far would the Democrates chuck Chuck if the Democrates could chuck Chuck?

Anonymous said...

According to a friend of an acquaintance of a guy who eats breakfast down the street, the questions that candidates had to answer to get the Ronald Reagan club's endorsement are...

1. Do you support the following restrictions on abortions: Spousal notification? Informed consent? Parental consent for minors? Waiting periods?

2. Do you support the following principals (sic) within the Republican National Platform? Oppose the use of public revenues for abortions or for organizations that advocate it? That the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed?

3. Do you favor restricting state governments or municipalities from using the power of eminent domain for private development?

4. Do you support the display of the Ten Commandments on public property?

5. Do you support allowing same-sex couples to adopt?

6. Do you support unrestricted internet use by children at public libraries?

7. Do you support allowing sporting goods stores, fish & tackle shops, and gun ranges & stores to provide voter registration cards?

8. Do you support the right to have a gun in your car for lawful purposes?

9. Do you support any further restrictions to law abiding gun owners keeping and bearing arms?

10. Do you support requiring public schools to teach homosexual conduct as an acceptable lifestyle alternative as part of a public school education curriculum?

11. Do you support providing educational choice through the use of vouchers and/or tax credits?

12. Do you favor requiring that the Legislature provide a cost-impact projection/analysis for proposed constitutional amendments?

13. Do you support replacing the property tax as the primary source of revenue?

Anonymous said...

How are those questions relevant to a local election? When was the last time a city commission had any authority over those issues?

Anonymous said...

Chuckles was actually a Democrat when that rascal first ran for commissioner years ago. Shortly after the Dem Party worked their tails off getting him elected, he repaid their work by switching to the Republican Party. Now, after being shunned by the donkey party, here he is, back as a Dem. How the stuff goes in circles!

Anonymous said...

Chuck's a Democrat now just like the other guy Hennecy. It has been said that the Republicans put them in the race to stop Harrell. That would explain why there was no debate. They're all too scared to debate Harrell.