Before we begin our normal article, we would like to remind everyone of the City of Kissimmee Commission Meeting that will be held today at 3:00pm. This meeting is because last week's meeting was canceled because of Tropical Storm Fay. It is also where the commission is going to set the rate for the Fire Fee for the upcoming year. We find it sad that elected officials would reschedule a meeting as important as this during a time where the average citizen cannot speak to the issue. We hope that some people can make it out to this meeting, because after the last meeting where they passed an item that was not on the agenda, we believe that our government needs to be held by a tighter reign.
And now our normal article: Crackers Strikes Back

Like our local political scene has not seen enough mischief with phantom phone calls, stolen websites, and campaign mailers with questionable statements, "Crackers the City Crime Fighting Chicken" has returned to save the day for the County voters in District 3. We have just received copies of a mailer that has been sent out from Steve (Crackers) Burke who now lives in the great state of Montana attempting to help Commission Candidate
Tony Ferentinos. In the letter adorned with the taxivist logo for the fringe group known as
Ax the Tax and calling himself the "Honorable Steve Burke", he lays out an attack on Wendell McKinnon and
Jeanne Van Meter. The letter from Crackers, who claims he is still the "Ax the Tax Osceola Campaign Chairman," even though he lives in Montana, lays out that both Mr. McKinnon and Mrs. Van Meter are pro-tax, pro-government, pro-bureaucratic officials. While we cannot argue with the latter of the statements, if Crackers would have checked the record he would have noticed that both candidates have actually cut taxes during their times in office. They have failed on being able to spend collected tax money in the appropriate areas (homeless bathing fountains, All America City trips, etc.), but both have voted to cut taxes. We suggest that Mr. Burke and our blogger friend from across the great divide focus a little harder on trying to put the band back together and start a blog chronicling their zany adventures.

In other political news, it seems that one City of Kissimmee Mayoral candidate, Jorge Miranda, is looking to sue over the use of the "All America City" logo on the mailer of Mayoral Candidate Jim Swan. What is funny is that it may not matter if the use of the logo follows election laws, but because the logo is copyrighted by the
National Civic League who charges anyone who wants to display the logo a hefty fee (even winners), the city may find itself in trouble with the law in a completely new way. Right now multiple candidates are using the logo and we have not been able to determine by their campaign reports if they have paid the NCL for its use. We hope

that they do not expect the city taxpayers to pay for its use, and we have to wonder if the claims that
Jerry Gemskie and Jim Swan are making about "honesty and integrity" could be challenged if they illegally used this logo. It would also really hurt the "experience" claims they are making if they tried to claim that they used the logo by accident.
Automated calls from an organization calling itself "Citizens for Osceola Values" have been attacking County Commission candidate
Fred Hawkins on behalf of sitting Commissioner
Bill Lane. The calls basically refer to Mr. Hawkins as a liar which we have not been able to prove or disprove at this time. We believe these calls were made in response to a piece that Mr. Hawkins Campaign sent out that stretched the truth on votes that Mr. Lane had made. While we find it sad that both of these candidates have reduced their campaigns to a school yard name calling session, we knew that eventually it would happen. The best part about the the auto-calls being generated by the Lane Campaign was the response from the campaign manager for Mr. Hawkins. In her e-mail she defends her candidate and claims that she would not have worked for Mr. Hawkins as a paid campaign manager if he broke any of a list of certain conditions. The third condition on her list was "3. He would never tell me an untruth or distorted version of any issues or question." which must be a small problem because of the mailer that the Hawkins Campaign sent out distorting a vote made by Mr. Lane. We guess that when you are on the payroll it is easier to overlook some levels of distortion.
We know there is more silliness going on than we were able to cover in this article, but we just don't have the space to do it. We would remind everyone that tomorrow, Tuesday, August 26th is primary election day, so GET OUT AND VOTE! Just beware of people dressed up in chicken suits.
Steve needs to get a life... What a joke!
Swan and Gemskie are total jerks.
They use the All-American label on their campaign fliers. I can say for a fact that they did not receive permission because according to the Osceola NewsGazette article Saturday, the National Civic League is quoted as saying "the logo CANNOT be used in connection with any political statements, SPECIFICALLY, campaign material."
So much for integrity with Swan qouted as saying "everyone is encouraged to take the logo...display it anyway they like." He must think the average citizen is either apathetic or plain stupid.
Swan's campaign ad in the ONG's Saturday paper was also a complete and total joke. He has the audacity to state that as Mayor "we have worked diligently to reduce the financial burden on homeowners." He has done nothing but WHINE, COMPLAIN, BLAME anyone listening about the evil Gov. Christ and the state legislature and their cursed property tax amendment(voted on by the people).
He has publicly spoken out against the amendment, used his Mayoral seat as a bully pulpit to encourage voters to vote against it...and NOW has the audacity to claim he has worked diligently to reduce the financial burden. What an idiot!. He did not do anything but complain and then do what the City Manager wanted without questions asked!!!
He also claims they have "taken steps to redevelop the 192 corridor" What steps??? Please enlighten the rest of us who drive that street everyday and see it falling apart.
Please, come tomorrow...seek new leaders, with fresh new ideas and perspectives. These imcubent clowns have had plenty of time to address the issues and have failed miserably.
Swan and Gemskie are like two peas in a pod. They both think they know more than the voters. That is why it is no big deal for them to cut out the public on meetings.
I already voted against them so my I feel great.
Okay. I will say Fred should have told the whole truth and not a half truth but do you really think Bill is any better. For those of you that don't remember, Bill used some shady tactics during his campaign and creeped in the back door again Dunnick. I still think Fred would be better than Bill (Bought and Paid for by the City of Destiny) Lane. How much do you want to bet if Bill loses tomorrow we'll never see him at another Board Meeting for the rest of his term. I would like to see Hawkings for the Republicans and Herrell for the Dems. Let them duke it out until Nov. 5th and may the best candidate win.
Will you include in your next article that the City has a "discretionary fund" for use by the Commissioners to spend as they see fit? It's taxpayer money set aside for this purpose. Report how much it is and how it's been spent in the last 4 years. Not all cities have this as some feel it's an inappropriate use of taxpayer money. But Kissimmee? Good 'ol boys get their way, right?
Honorable, is he a judge now? Is a political disclaimer required at the bottom of Mr. Burke's letter?
Political disclaimer is there from what I saw.
It looks like a lot of election and ethics charges to be filed against Gemskie and Swan. What poor judgment.
The only person dressed in a chicken suit is Horner.
There is a falsehood in Mayor Swan's advertisment shown in your article.
He did vote to eliminate three firefighter/EMT positions and our arson investigator last year.
For him to state on campaign mailings that "However, we have NOT...Reduced front line police officer, firefighter or paramedic positions" simply is not true.
Jim Walls, Kissimmee Professional Firefighters
So, A vote for Swan is a vote against the firefighters. We need better police, fire, and emergency services. There are many areas the city could cut, but they all try to scare people and say emergency services will be cut. Our firefighters and police deserver better.
I would like to say that I am a Fred Hawkins supporter and I want to point a few things out. First, I would like to thank Bill Lane for the sevice he provided for the last 4 years. At first, Bill never called Fred to congraduate him on the victory, then after two days Bill called Fred to congraduate him. This call was very much needed and respectful! Bill I have a new founded respect for you, you did the right thing! Although I still think Fred Hawkins is the BEST choice, we need to tip our hat to Bill Lane for keeping his head up after the loss. Thanks Bill! I can now only hope that Bill Lane will stand with his Republician party and back Fred Hawkins. This would e the right thing to do. We need everyones help in November to vote for Fred Hawkins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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