The charge of plagiarism is no small one, and the WayneWho staff realized that if we were going to take on a sitting US Senator for stealing not only the look of Mr. Hennecy's campaign, but much of his wording as well, then we needed to investigate this Senator. Mr. Smith is a well respected Republican leader who was recently criticized for trying to tie himself to Senator Obama and his presidential bid to soften his Republican image. We figured this is where the idea must have come from to steal a once Republican turned Democrat local candidate's campaign message, so we sought out some smart people to help us find the evidence and solve this technology riddled case.
By bribing our grandchildren with a good amount of ice-cream we soon discovered amazing similarities in the web sites. As we looked at each page of information side by side, we could easily see the similarities:
From Byron Hennecy's 'About' Page:
Byron Hennecy has served his home state of Florida in the County since 1999 and the Fire Department since 2003. He has earned a reputation for independence and effectiveness, working with both Republicans and Democrats to do what is right for our County.
From Gordon Smith's 'About' Page:
Gordon Smith has served his home state of Oregon in the United States Senate since 1997. He has earned a reputation for independence and effectiveness, working with both Republicans and Democrats to do what is right for Oregon.
From Byron Hennecy's 'Roots' Page:
Thank you for your interest in Byron's GrassRoots. Over the next year, Byron's GrassRoots will be a highly visible and active part of Byron’s campaign that will involve people from across the county working together to elect Byron and benefit Democratic candidates throughout Florida. Our goal is to build Byron's GrassRoots into one of the largest grassroots campaign organizations in our county’s history and with your help we’ll reach that goal.
From Gordon Smith's 'SmithRoots' Page:
Thank you for your interest in SmithRoots. Over the next year, SmithRoots will be a highly visible and active part of Senator Smith’s campaign that will involve people from across the state working together to re-elect Senator Smith and benefit Republican candidates throughout Oregon. Our goal is to build SmithRoots into one of the largest grassroots campaign organizations in our state’s history and with your help we’ll reach that goal.
Even the first page promise of 'Cutting Taxes' read the exact same on both web sites: "Byron Hennecy believes you should keep as much of your hard-earned money as possible..."
We wanted more proof of the crime, so with a little urging and the promise of Happy Meals, the real truth was discovered. Technology people and grandchildren know how to read the code that makes up any website. Kids today are much like the characters in the movie the Matrix that can look at a screen filled with weird symbols and make sense of it. It is deep in this code where we found the truth. If you go to the page and then click on the 'View' menu button at the top of your internet explorer and then click on the 'Source' button on the list that appears (we recommend asking a younger person to help you). A new screen will appear that shows a bunch of strange signs. Ignore all of this. On the scroll bar on the right of this window, scroll down about half way. You will see a line that reads "Helping grow the Oregon economy is a top priority. As a member of the powerful Senate Finance Committee, Gordon is using his clout to cut taxes and help working families keep more of their hard-earned money." You will also see a line that says "Gordon Smith is making public policy that does not leave Oregonians high and dry." Yep, we felt pretty stupid too. We did not expect to find Gordon Smith's campaign message hidden on Byron Hennecy's website. We would like to apologized to the Gordon Smith Campaign for thinking they were the ones who had copied a website.

We understand that the problems we face in this community are dire, but the fake-it-till-you-make-it mentality has been an ongoing problem with Osceola County politicians. Candidates should also learn to trust the voters of this community. Voters of this community, when told the truth, are capable of making the right decisions. Lying to the voters is what messes up the whole process.
For now we will leave you with a quick note that we have e-mailed the Gordon Smith Campaign and our local media sources with all of the original material we were sent. We cannot take credit for these findings and offer our thanks to those who keep us informed and on track. I guess we will just have to wait for any type of response from the affected campaigns.
I would guess that Byron did not make this website on his own.
To the commenter above, I think that is the point Wayne is trying to make. These guys don't do anything on their own...
The campaign has already changed the code to hide it. Typical. If Byron cannot run his own small campaign, how in the world does he think he can run this county?
I would be firing that consultant or whoever collected money for that website. It hasn't even worked right since day one.
C'mon Byron, what kind of campaign steals a US Senator's website? You can't steal solutions to fix our county's problems. Fake it 'til we make it. Your right on WayneWho.
If this is his consultants fault, I'd be asking for my money back and looking for a new consultant!
If not... it will look like Bryon approves of this!
Isn't this Griffin's guy? Chris at St Cloud in the News has been talkin Hennecy up. She was a big Griffin pusher. That's done
St Cloud a lot of good. NOT! Here's another cheat brought to you by Chris Falkowski and Tom Griffin. Also by there little puppet-Shawn Van Dusen.
They've already changed the code on the Mutimedia page. Admission of guilt? This is unbelievable.
He's running for County Commissioner. Who in the world would be so stupid as to have a campaign steal a Senator's website?
Bet those firemen are real happy about that endorsement now. We endorse the cheat who is one of their own.
This just shows that you can't trust any of these guys.
Wow; you guys are on a hair trigger :) There is no mystery here- it's called a Template. May web sites developed by the same person will look alike. No need to reinvent the wheel if you have already developed a similar site. This is a common practice for software and web developers; they all have a library of previous work so as to get the job done for a similar project faster and cheaper for the next guy.
Yes, it is trivial to steal the content of a web site, but the template explanation is just as plausible. Now if you found out that different people developed the two sites... oops! I just hate it when they get busted, don't you??
Template? What kind of template has a Senator from the other side of the country's political verbage and stances as well as text codes on the page. You buy blank templates not a cut-and-paste website. Do you know anything about the web? Here goes the Hennecy shuffle, get ready for it!
So you are saying that Byron is using template campaign issues from a republican in Oregon? Oregonians and Floridians have different issues that don't come from templates.
Two possibilities: Same guy did both sites or it was a copy-and-paste theft of the source. Simple as that. I wouldn't go off the deep end until you can say with certainty that the same person didn't build both sites. I often tell folks interested in getting a web site to find one you like and get that same person to do yours. That way you get the look and feel of your site the way you want it. Yell and scream all you want, this is a possible explanation... If different people did in fact do both sites then by all means have at 'em until they squeal for mercy :)
Looks and sounds like Hennecy still has his consultant on staff!
There's always an explanation in politics but never and answer.
I looked at both sights and they both have the same exact wording, just different names. What exactly does Byron Hennecy stand for without Gordon Smith's campaign? At least in his own words?
A template allows you to put your platforms and campaigns in your own words. I've worked with website templates and this seems more plagarized. There is a lot of explaining to do here!
Nope, just an IT guy who got an email earlier today about this blog. Too busy to get that deep into politics...
Interesting - I went to the Hennecy site this morning after y'all broke the story and then again just now to show my co-worker. Sure enough, they are already changing it. Seems to me if they could do it that fast, maybe they should have done it right in the first place.
I agree. It looks like Hennecy is like the rest of those idiots up there. Don't do anything right until you're caught.
Well now we know why Byron keeps having to hold fundraising fishing derbys. He has to keep paying his staff to copy ideas for him.
The picture you are showing of his web site does not look like the website he has up now. Did he change his site to look different?
So now we have to listen to Hennecy's people say this is some type of template conspiracy when the evidence points to theft. Just be honest and say we screwed up!
I liked his "Gordon Smith" site better than what they have changed it to. Maybe they can just ask the Senator if they can keep using his site?
You better believe it. Probably got a call from
Sen. Gordon Smith.
I'd be embarrassed to be caught with my pants down like Hennecy has.
Did anyone else notice that his consultant is being quoted on the website, talking about his abilities and what we really need. Does that really count as a recommendation, when your PAID consultant is recommending you?!
I guess I will just have to vote for Chuck Dunnick.
Chuck Dunnick? I guess so. Better the devil you know.
I don't think so. Neither of these guys matter.
Harrell has the Democrats and Hawkins has the Republicans going into November.
Who would ever vote for Dunnick?
Lane would crush him again even without the wife beating scandal. Byron just doesn't have what it takes. I know the guy and he's nice enough, but he just doesn't have a clue about politics.
Wife Beating Scandal?
Who was the wife beating?
Actually...he didn't steal the site...both candidates are cheap and simply used a website template service instead of having a custom one designed.
If your template theory is correct, then are you saying that the name Gordon Smith and his position just happened to already be on the template that was purchased?? WOW! How cool is that?! Wouldn't it be great for all candidates if their name just happened to already be on a template? Maybe if that was the case, then Byron should have looked harder for one that existed with him name!
So is that the official response from the Hennecy camp is that they screwed up when putting up their web site template?
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