Friday, August 3, 2007

Budget paralysis

We're frustrated, as it seems are you, about the local government tempo. It seems that that 7% (Osceola County) or 9% (Kissimmee) tax rollback has caused complete paralysis on local government being able to move forward with, well, much of anything. Never mind that in a lot of cases, the cuts were almost immediately reversed with the now-infamous "revenue neutral" service fees.

We've listed many of the tax- and budget-related things that struck us as odd in the last few weeks. Unfortunately, we were put off our morning cereal this morning when we were reading the Orlando Sentinel's coverage of how other communities along the new commuter rail line already have at least conceptual plans for developing new communities, or new community features, near their rail stations. What was the big Osceola County news of the day? Now two Kissimmee commissioners want to spend (supposedly precious) budget dollars on reworking the city logo. Progress?

Here's the core of the problem for us: the national business press are now suggesting that Florida's economy will be recession-like until 2009. Most of this local pain was just inflicted by the reaction to the initial property tax change. We are facing the second part of the property tax change in early 2008, plus if the economy is recession-like, sales tax revenues will be impacted, as will fees for self-funding departments, like development and impact fees. What will our local leaders do if those revenue sources are reduced as well, and how will that reaction compare to the rest of Central Florida? Lest we forget, there will be a 2008 election, possibly before the revenue pattern reverses itself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But a new logo will make the birthday celebration that much better!