Thursday, August 2, 2007

Logo Re-design

The chatter about Kissimmee potentially redesigning their logo has reached a new higher pitch. According to those who propose the redesign, the city logo is a marketing tool and needs updating.

We say this: the likelihood that a business would choose Kissimmee based on the city logo is more slight than the likelihood that they are looking for "All-America City Finalist" on the city's marketing materials.

When, do you suppose, does a new business moving into Kissimmee first see any materials with the city logo on them?

If the City Commission has $40,000 in available money that they want to invest in beneficial marketing of the city, we suggest that that money be allocated towards economic development, not letterhead.


Anonymous said...

Are we going to have to pay a logo tax... uhh.. I mean a logo fee next?

Anonymous said...

I kind of like the cow.

Anonymous said...

Wayne Who, Why don't you be a good citizen and donate the use of the Cowssimmee logo to the city for free. That way they could save $40,000 and use it for something else that is stupid.

John said...

"Kissimmee - The Town With the Name That Other Towns Make Fun Of"