Monday, August 27, 2007

Straight Talk with Payne Evans - Big Deal


Anonymous said...

LOL... That is great... I wondered about the great length of the articles myself. Just goes to show you how slanted the media around here really is. Adam will call them out thought. LOL.

Anonymous said...

What is the deal with the "A Day in the Life of a Commissioner"? How many of you read that article in Saturday's paper? Let me get this straight...the Booze Gazette calls and makes an appointment to spend a couple of hours with an elected official and they (Commissioners)just happen to be working on a cure for cancer or solving world peace that day. Hmmmm. Talk about being staged. It’s kind of like the Ms. America Pageant where each one of the finalist are asked some question and they come up with some lame answer found in a fortune cookie but it sounds good. Stop giving some elected officials a platform to promote their egos. I've heard so many of them say "Being Commissioner is such a thankless job" but just because that may be the case sometimes doesn't mean you have to thank yourself every time a reporter shows up or you're at some function where a hand full of voters are in attendance. They took office to make our community a better place for all not to have a building named after them. Right? One more'll also hear Commissioners say "Anyone who thinks our job is part-time is crazy" well, lock me up in a padded room. Though they all have "other" jobs, exactly how many hours do they spend at their "other" jobs? All but one of them has what most would call a full-time job but their "other" jobs allow them to be flexible enough to serve the public. So please no more violins.

Anonymous said...

It looks like all is a go with the great fountain project on MLK. Not one commissioner showed any courage in trying to stop the wasteful city spending. I hope that during the re-election campaings you remind people of the officals that spent their tax money with no regard to the feelings of the public.