Saturday, June 9, 2007

The Courts… Our New Elected Officials

Here we go again... The School District and St. Cloud are on the verge of another court battle, this time over who should build road access to a new school. How many lawsuits do we currently have underway between various governmental agencies in Osceola County? Does this indicate poor communication between the various agencies, or a deeper issue of differing goals and directions among the agencies?

In the meantime, it seems that many of the big issues affecting the county lately have been made by the courts... perhaps it is time to skip the middleman and just outsource some of our governing directly to various judges?


Anonymous said...

There is no waste. Trust your local governments, they know what is best for you. We can not cut your taxes because there is no wast in government. We will make sure to cut your police and fire protection just to show you citizens how stupid you are if you vote to lower your taxes.

Wouldn't it be nice if they had to put how they really feel on their campaign literature. Keep them honest WayneWho!

Anonymous said...

Elect Judge Judy!