Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sunday Funny - Morning at the White House

White House staffers were perplexed one morning to see Bill Clinton walk into the Oval Office with a pair of woman's panties pinned to his arm. Somewhat used to the president's tendencies, they let it go and went about their daily tasks.

As the day wore on, several VIPs were ushered in and out of the Oval Office for meetings with Clinton about important affairs of the state. Each one left with a puzzled expression on his face, but no one dared ask the President's personal business.

Finally, Betty Currie, Clinton's loyal secretary walked into the office between appointments and gently closed the door behind her. "Mr. President," she said. "We've come to expect many unusual things from you but we're all quite concerned that you seem to be wearing a pair of woman's panties on your arm. Please tell me this doesn't mean more 'trouble'."

"Oh no," the President grinned, "it's the patch. I'm trying to quit."


Anonymous said...

Your namesake is attacking you again. This time he seems pretty intent on threatening you with legal action. I think he is just jealous that you have not put him in your puppet show.

I find it very interesting that he is threatening a comical web site when he has had made so many personal and mean spirited attacks on people over the years. It is obvious that his only motiviation for knowing the author or authors is to attack them on a personal level. I know many people have been upset by your site, but I appreciate the mix of information, news, and humor. Thank you for efforts and the time that you put into your blog and puppet shows.

Anonymous said...

Is there a patch for stupid? That might help some of these politicians. LOL...

Anonymous said...

I saw his post, and I think he is missing the point on anonymity. We are again at a point when government is not an entity that we can trust. This starts at the top, and works its way down. Right now there is nothing stopping the Federal Government from grabbing someone, anyone, off of the street, and locking them up for no reason. If this type of environment exists on a Federal level, what exists on a local level where there is very little oversight? Anonymity my be the only thing that can keep local voices calling out for just and fair decisions. Anonymity is a symptom of a much larger issue.