Thursday, June 21, 2007

"The View" In Kissimmee

In an abrupt resignation released by a local activist yesterday, the saga of the on-again, off-again blog personality changed direction once again. The often controversial activist who is best know for his effort to convert Osceola county into a suburb of California and usher in new breed of liberal politicians seems to have called it quits once again. This "The View" type drama has played out to the dismay (or disinterest) of a blog readership that numbers in the hundreds (well, not in a single day). We are disappointed by the loss of a stirring liberal guidepost with his finger on the pulse of political happenings in San Francisco.

As for the possible news that another local voice my no longer be in circulation, we are deeply saddened. The articles from Carl Cricket at a website called KSIB.NET have been an inspiration to those at WayneWho for some time. The articles filled with rumor that more often than not contain more truth than all of our local media combined will be missed. We can only hope that somehow this voice will continue. We also hope that the rumors of health issues can and will be overcome.

Those of us at WayneWho will continue our unique brand of satire in hopes of mobilizing other voices to step forward. Democracy is not about quitting or being silent. Be heard and make your community better.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Simi Valley - not CME valley - is a place that prides itself on hippies laying all over the mountain side. Yeah, that is what we need around here.

Anonymous said...

It is easy to quit when you haven't done anything. Being a Quitter isn't doing something. Hiding from the real issues and attacking stupid stuff does not make you a better person, or qualify you to be a leader. I am glad he quit.

Anonymous said...

Wayne might have been a little crazy, but sometimes he had some good points.

Anonymous said...

So now he's not running? Just a week ago he said he was. Hope someone is keeping printouts of that other blog. Might come in handy during the next memory lapse.