Saturday, July 21, 2007

Comment Corner

It has been a busy week for comments and we would like to thank everyone who contributed. In just the past 5 days we have had 51 comments that have added quite a bit to the conversation on our un-news topics. Please remember that, unlike local governments, we actually listen (or read in this case) what you have to say. Also remember that it is ok to tell us when you do not like what we are saying. If you think our un-news is too far off track, let us know. The more comments, the better.

Comments on Funding Commuter Rail:
Anonymous said - The communter rail project needs to be killed. If the only way to keep it going now is to raise our taxes again, then kill the project. I do not live near anywhere near the rail line, and my drive on 15 will not be affected by the slight drop in traffic near the rail line. Yet I will still have to pay for this mess. Kill the project!!!

Respones: This comment really sums up the entire argurment when it comes to adding additional taxes to the residents of Osceola County. How can you tax people for a special project that does not help them in any direct way? And how can you justify a tax for a project that leaves you with a surplus of the people’s money? We believe that killing the project is still up for debate, but we feel that this needs to be debate based on fact, not hype.

Osceola Puppet School Board Theatre - Throw Down:
- My sides hurt from laughing so much! This is the craziest video yet.
- Greer and Wheeler are just so cute in their little outfits. Do you think they will wear their new outfits to the next School Board Meeting?
- I kept thinking "CatFight". Imagine my surprise when I log on to WayneWho today to see these two idiots locked in a dance off.
- Maybe they should just channel all that built-up frustration and tension through a dance off.

Respones: Sorry we could not list them all, but thank you for all of the great comments. Our only real response is, “So you think you can dance?”

A Tale of Two Cities:
- Why don't they use the $30 million to pay for this stupid light rail instead of raising my taxes again. I have to commute an hour a day because there no jobs in Osceola. So no I am going to be penalized with a gas tax because of their incompetence. Just great.
- I think to get more people out to the budget meeting, they should have the Kissimmee and School Board Puppet Characters there to sign autographs. And I do mean the popsicle stick puppets, not the actual elected puppets.
- i have not heard of any other fire department losing fire positions. funny, tampa is letting go of 219 employees and their mayor in an open letter said no public safety positions (police or fire). That first city will be adding firefighters. you can see tampa's mayors letter at [The real link is]

Respones: When you listen to government officals explain that there are different pots of money that can not be touched for the things that would help residents, and that we have to pay more even when there is $30 million sitting in an account, you have to wonder is this Hogwarts or hogwash? How can money appear and disappear so quickly? All we can say is that we are glad that there are so many of you paying attention to what is going on.

There They Go Again:
- But they can dance! Well at least a couple of them can dance. And their favorite dance is the Hustle.
- That picture represents every politician that we have sitting in all of our governments.
- Maybe it should be elected offical subsidized housing. We can just dump them all in once place so we can keep an eye on them.
- I think the fact that the Osceola News Gazette was able to put a real article together is scary. Quick, through in some more advertising.

Respones: By this point in the week, we realized that our readers were in full swing. What was great is that all of the comments had a great mix of humor and facts. We think the title on this article says it all about the school board. As the week went on, they continued to stick to the title.

Un-News Bites:
- Can school board members be recalled?
- … they are going to put the worst teachers with the worst students and then hand them one of their new DVD's that will make things all better.
- I think a recall is exactly what is needed. Just not at the school board but in all of Osceola County's governments.
- Do you think the Ad-zette even realized the quote they put in the bubble was bad?
- If you are truly fed up with local government....Run!!

Respones: We think the last comment that we highlighted is only a partial answer. We understand that not everyone wants to be a politician. We think that you must get involved with local government no matter what. Part of the price of our democracy and the freedoms that we enjoy is that citizens must be involved to make it work. And what makes our country the strongest is the fact that we need and encourage not just the wealthy, but the poorest as well, to participate and discuss ideas together. Run if you can run, but get involved with your local government no matter what!


Anonymous said...

WayneWho, you did not respond with your thoughts on a recall push for some on the school board, or some on the other local governments? Do you think a recall is what is needed to fix the problems we face, or at least get politicians to listen to us?

Anonymous said...

How many projects do these people think we can afford. Increasing impact fees, tax money towards government housing, tax money and a gas tax increase for light rail, and who knows what else. Depending on the final outcomes of what they decide to gouge the people here, I am preparing to move my business to Polk County. I love Osceola, but I have to take care of my business and my family. I just hope that some of my employees can make the move with me. The sad part is that most of these problems can be fixed if politicians could say one word. No. No Mr. Developer, you are not going to build all of that here. No Orange County, go screw up your own neighborhood. No Central Florida, we are not going to keep getting screwed while you suck up all of the money and jobs. No should be your word of the day!

Anonymous said...

No money, no money, no money. Build Light Rail. You go Chamber of Commerce. Help them spend the money we don't have.

Anonymous said...

You should be observant of the position the Chamber of Commerce takes on the issues...... Glad Hand Mike is lurking in the shadows and he wants to run for office!! God help us all...

Anonymous said...

What exactly does it take to recall an elected official?

Anonymous said...

I find that I go to whoiswayne before I go to I wonder why...