Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Eye On The News

1. Red light camera lawsuit, and a possible solution
Well, we may have a court precedent very soon on whether cameras can be used for automated red-light enforcement in Florida. Several news outlets are reporting that the Florida Civil Rights Association is considering suing Orlando, Apopka, and Orange County over their use of red-light cameras. The group is citing a recent Minnesota Supreme Court ruling overturning red light camera use.

We are glad, in this case, that other cities will be the test cases on this effort, but we also believe their might be a more simple solution to this issue. If we were to go ahead and install the red-light cameras, but with a celebrity proximity detectors on them so the only time a picture would be taken is if a celebrity runs a red light, then we should get past the whole issue of violating privacy rights. It has been well documented that celebrities are afforded no real privacy when it comes to someone taking their picture, so a red-light camera should pose no real issue. The only problem that we see is that this system might have to be tested in court to define who and /or what a celebrity actually is. We will keep you posted.

2. Traffic Crash Fees

Also in the news this week, DeLand is considering joining Maitland and Winter Park in charging a fee for emergency response to traffic crashes. In many cases the fee is charged to each driver's insurance company, regardless of who is at fault. At first glance, you might say "well, that's fine, it doesn't impact me unless I'm in a crash." We say that this bears watching, because if crash fees become popular (and local governments love their fees), we believe that these fees will impact every driver's insurance rates. We have also heard rumors that some type of point of sale system might be installed into emergency vehicles so you will have a choice of Credit, Debit, or let the Crash Fee go on to the insurance companies. Interestingly, DeLand is also considering a Fire Fee in addition to the Crash Fee.


Anonymous said...

So if some one rear-ends my car, I have to pay a fee for that?? Sounds like government out of control.

Anonymous said...

Are they trying to raise my taxes again?? I don't care what their argument is, a fee is a tax, and I am tired of them creating new ones!

Get'em Taxes...

Anonymous said...

Sounds good! Let those celebrities pay. It's about time they pay for something.